lives and property of the citizens of the town, and to suppress,
abate or discontinue, or cause to be suppressed, abated or
discontinued, all nuisances within the corporate and sanitary
limits of the town, they may pass all ordinances or by-laws
from time to time necessary, and they may affix thereto such
reasonable fines and costs, not exceeding twenty dollars in any
one case, as may to them appear right and just, and in default
of payment of any fine and cost imposed, they may provide
for the imprisonment of the offender for a period not exceed-
ing thirty days, or until the fine and costs be paid, or sentence
said offender to hard labor for a sufficient length of time until
said labor will satisfy the fine and costs, the price allowed for
the labor thus done to be the same as that allowed for persons
regularly hired to perform such labor.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to authorize and direct "The Commissioners of Vi-
enna," Dorchester County, Maryland, subject to referen-
dum, to construct, own and operate a water supply system
for the town of Vienna, to borrow money on the faith and
credit of said town for the purpose of such construction, and
to issue bonds for the payment of the same, and to levy taxes
and assessments for the redemption of said bonds and the
payment of interest, and to make charges and rates for the
operation, maintenance, regulation and control of said water
supply system, and to provide for the right to purchase and
condemn property.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That "The Commissioners of Vienna" be, and they are
hereby authorized, empowered and directed to design, construct
and own a water supply system for the town of Vienna, in-
eluding wells, intakes, purification works, reservoirs, pump-
ing; stations, elevated tanks, distribution mains and all re-
quired appurtenances both within and without the corporate
limits of the town, as "The Commissioners of Vienna" may
deem necessary; to maintain and operate the said systems, to
purchase or condemn whatever property., rights of way, water
rights or other facilities that may be required; and to do all
other corporate acts, including the employment of engineer-