running thence north twenty-six degrees, twenty minutes east
and binding on said line one hunched and ninety-nine feet,
two and one-half inches to the center of a twelve-foot alley
there situate running parallel with Liberty Heights Avenue;
thence south sixty-eight degrees, twenty-nine minutes east,
binding on the center line of said alley, with the use thereof in
common, one hundred and seventy-one feet eleven inches to the
point where said line drawn parallel with and twenty-five fect
southwest from the "Old Western Boundary" line of Baltimore
City intersects said center line of said allev; and running
thence south two degrees, thirty-four minutes east parallel with
said "Old Western Boundary" line of Baltimore City and
twenty-five feet southwest therefrom, two hundred and eighteen
feet one inch to the place of beginning.
103. To the bequest of $1,000.00 to the Trustees of the
First Baptist Church of Baltimore City, as contained in the
last will and testament of James Russell, late of Baltimore
City, deceased.
104. To the following by Dr. Martin L. Jarrett, by his
will dated 26th October, 1915, and recorded among the Will
Records of Harford County in Liber J. A. No. 16, folio 206,
gave a legacy to the Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church
"I give, devise and bequeath unto the Trustees of Calvary
M. E. Church South, at Jarrettsville, and their successors, the
sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) in trust, to invest the
same in some safe and prudent way, and apply the income
arising therefrom for the following purposes:
1. The caring for and keeping in proper condition my lot
in the cemetery north of said village belonging to said Trus-
tees and church; and
2. To apply any balance of the income for the use and
benefit of said church."
105. "I also give and bequeath unto the Trustees of Bethel
Presbyterian Church, or by whatever name the corporate body
of said church holding title to the property thereof is known,
the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) in trust, to invest the
same and apply the income arising therefrom annually to-
wards keeping in order the William Glenn lot, where my wife
is now buried, the same to be so applied even though the re-
mains of my said wife may be removed from said lot."