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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 704   View pdf image (33K)
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cates in every particular and accurately show the lines there-
in portrayed; and upon the reproductions furnished the dis-
trict mine inspector shall be endorsed a signed statement of
the mine foreman that, he has carefully examined the map
and reproduction; that the reproduction is an accurate copy
of the original map, and that said map accurately represents
the mine property within his personal knowledge thereof.

SEC. 52. Whenever the district mine inspector shall have
reason to suspect that any mine workings approach dangerous
accumulations of water or of dangerous gases, such inspector
shall have power by special safety order to require that the
operator cause the suspected portion of such mine to be im-
mediately surveyed and entered upon the map of such mine.

SEC. 53. Whenever the district mine inspector shall have
reason to believe that any map of any mine or reproduction
thereof furnished to him pursuant to the provisions of this
Act is inaccurate or imperfect, he shall have power to order
a survey of such mine or any portion thereof which he may
believe to have been incorrectly mapped; and the cost of such
survey shall be recoverable from the operator as other debts
are recoverable by law; provided, that if the map claimed
by such inspector to be inaccurate or imperfect shall be found
to be sufficiently accurate for its intended purpose, then the
reasonable cost of such survey shall be a charge payable by
the State.


CHAPTER VII—General Duties of Operator.

SEC. 54. Every operator of a mine in this State shall an-
nually, on or before the first day of March in each year, make
to the Bureau a report, under oath, upon uniform blank forms
to be furnished by the Bureau, covering such facts regarding
the production and conditions of such mine during the calen-
dar year last preceding, as the Bureau may require.

SEC. 55. On or before the 25th day of each month, every
operator of a bituminous coal mine shall if required make
such report to the district mine inspector upon blank forms
to be furnished by the Bureau, covering such facts regarding
the production and conditions of such, mine during the pre-
ceding calendar month, as the Bureau may reasonably require
for the use of such inspector.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 704   View pdf image (33K)
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