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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 702   View pdf image (33K)
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ant mine foremen and fire bosses who now are acting in such
capacities in any mine in this State, upon filing with such
Examining Board proper affidavits in form prescribed by such
Examining Board, together with an application for such serv-
ice certificate showing experience not less than is required of
applicants for the examination therefor, supported by equal
and similar evidences of character and general fitness; such
application to be made within six months after this Act be-
comes effective. Such certificate shall be endorsed as "service
certificate"; be similar in form to a certificate of competency
and have like effect for the purposes of this Act, while the
holder thereof remains in the employment of the same operator
and for a period not exceeding five years from and after the
passage of this Act. A fee of three dollars shall be paid by the
applicant therefor to the State, before such certificate is issued.

CHAPTER VI—Maps Required.

SEC. 46. The operator of any coal mine in this State shall
make, or cause to be made by a competent mining engineer or
surveyor, an accurate map of such mine for each seam of coal
worked, on a scale of not less than two hundred feet to the
inch, which map shall show as follows:

(a) The boundary lines of the property., the location of all
buildings, railway tracks, wagon or other roads, rivers, streams,
lakes and ponds, with the depth thereof indicated, and other
important landmarks on the surface of such property; with
connecting lines of contiguous properties indicated and espe-
cially any lines with relation to contiguous mines or coal prop-

(b) The openings, excavations, shafts, slopes, drifts, tun-
nels, planes, entries, rooms and cross-cuts, and the name and/
or location number of each, if so identified.

(c) The elevation datum at top and bottom of each shaft
and slope and of all drifts, tunnels, planes and at the faces
of entries, as found at each semi-annual survey; and in rooms
and entries adjacent to boundary lines between such mine
and any adjoining mine, at points not more than three hundred
feet apart; with the date of entry of each such datum; the lo-
cation and elevation of any body of water dammed within or
held back in any portion of such mine, giving as nearly as
ascertainable, the true area of such body of water.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 702   View pdf image (33K)
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