direct, in any mining operation or mining investment in this
or in any contiguous State.
SEC. 21. The Bureau shall be provided such office and such
branch offices for its district inspectors, with such furniture,
equipment, records, books, blanks, supplies, technical instru-
ments, textbooks and facilities as the Governor, upon recom-
mendation of the Chief Mine Engineer, approved by the Com-
missioner of Labor and Statistics, may allow and as may from
time to time be provided for by appropriation or other law.
All such equipment, supplies and other property shall be the
property of the State and remain with and for the use of the
Bureau, The Chief Mine Engineer shall also be provided with
such clerical help, agents, experts and other employees as the
Governor may allow and as may from time to time be pro-
vided for by appropriation or other law; such employees to be
appointed from lists of eligibles previously prepared and certi-
fied from for such appointment by the State Employment Com-
CHAPTER II—Duties of Bureau and Chief Mine Engineer.
SEC. 22. The Bureau shall supervise the execution and en-
forcement of all laws enacted for the health and safety of
persons and protection and conservation of property within,
about, or in connection with bituminous coal mines or strip-
pings in this State, and for that purpose shall make, publish
and enforce necessary rules and regulations after due notice
given. The duty heretofore imposed upon the Commission by
the third paragraph of Section 2 of this Article to collect
information in regard to the mineral products and the output
of mines of this State, is hereby limited to the Bureau.
SEC. 23. The Bureau shall compile, publish and distribute
to persons interested the mining laws and rules and regulations
pertaining thereto. The Bureau shall carefully keep a record
of all inspections and investigations, and copies of all official
communications and records of all work done; and preserve
all reports, statistics and information received relating to the
development of coal or other mining or to the enforcement of
this Act
SEC. 24. The Bureau shall annually, to the 31st day of
December in each year, prepare, publish and distribute a report
showing the development of mining throughout the State, set-
ting forth statistical and operative facts, with information