shall be compelled to absent himself, he shall appoint some fit
person of the same political party with himself to act in his
stead until his return, having first administered to such sub-
stitute the same oath as he himself has taken. Blank forms
for the appointment of the substitute judges and clerks and
the oath aforesaid shall be supplied by the supervisors, and the
oath when administered, shall be preserved and returned by
the judges to the supervisors. The appointment and swearing
in of all such substitutes and the reason therefor, and the time
when such substitute began and ceased to serve shall be noted
by the judges in the poll book of the precinct; such substi-
tute shall cease to act whenever the judge or clerk in whose
stead he was appointed shall be present.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Burgess and Commis-
sioners of Williamsport, Washington County, Maryland, to
borrow money on the credit of said town for the purpose of
constructing waterworks in said town, and to issue bonds for
the payment of same to an amount not exceeding one hun-
dred thousand dollars ($100,000), and to levy on the assess-
able property of said town, to redeem said bonds and to pay
the interest thereon, and to provide for submitting the same
to the legally qualified voters of said town.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That for the purpose of establishing, constructing and
maintaining waterworks capable of furnishing the residents of
Williamsport with a good and sufficient supply of water, the
Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport be and they are
hereby authorized and directed to borrow money on the credit
of said town to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand
dollars ($100,000), and to issue registered coupon bonds of
said town in payment of the said sum and the accrued interest
thereon, The said bonds shall be issued in sums of not less
than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than five hundred dollars
($500) each, and shall have coupons attached for the interest
thereon, payable semi-annually at a rate not exceeding five per
centum per annum, and shall each be signed by the Burgess
and countersigned by the Clerk to the Burgess and Commis-