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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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of said board shall hold office for a term of two years and until
his successor is duly appointed and qualified, except as herein-
after provided.

In the year 1922, of the five persons appointed upon the
expiration of the terms of the members appointed in the year
1920, two shall be appointed for a term of two years and until
their successors shall respectively be duly appointed and quali-
fied and three shall be appointed for a term of four years and
until their successors shall respectively be duly appointed and
qualified. In the year 1924 and every four years thereafter
two persons shall be appointed to said board from a list of six
names endorsed by the Maryland Association of Optometrists;
and in the year 1926 and every four years thereafter three per-
sons shall be appointed to said board from a list of nine names
endorsed by the Maryland Association of Optometrists. Every
member of said board appointed subsequent to the above men-
tioned appointments of the year 1922, except those appointed
to fill vacancies, shall hold office for a term of four years and

until his successor shall be duly appointed and qualified.

Section 254. Said board shall meet within ten days after
their appointment has been made and choose a president, sec-
retary and treasurer from the members thereof and adopt a
common seal, and biennially thereafter shall elect such offi-

cers. Each member shall shave the power to administer oaths
and take affidavits concerning all matters properly cognizable
by said board, certifying thereto under the hand and seal of the
board. Said board shall meet in the City of Baltimore at least

twice a year and as often thereafter as may be necessary, and in

addition thereto whenever and wherever the board shall call a
meeting. A majority of said board shall at all times constitute
a quorum. The secretary of said board shall keep a full record
of the proceedings of said board, which shall at all reasonable
times be open to public inspection. The treasurer shall receive
from the secretary all fees paid for licenses and certificates and
shall keep a record thereof, and of all disbursements of said
board in a book to be kept for that purpose. All moneys paid
To the board shall be deposited by the treasurer in some safe
banking institution, and all moneys paid out shall be approved
by said board and be made by check signed by both the presi-
dent and the treasurer. The treasurer shall be required to give
such bond as the board may exact, and the said board shall
make an annual report of its proceedings to the Governor.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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