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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 535   View pdf image (33K)
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201. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from time to time upon the occurring of vacancies upon the
existing State Board of Examiners of Nurses, whether such
vacancies shall happen by reason of the expiration of the terms
for which the members of said Board were appointed, respec-
tively, or by reason of any other cause, the Maryland State

Nurses Association shall submit to the Governor of the State
the names of five of its members who have not had less than
five years' experience in their profession; and from said list
of nominations so furnished him, or from a further list of
five additional names of such members having the same qualifi-
cations, to be furnished to the Governor by said Association,
upon his request for additional names, the Governor shall ap-
point a member or members of said State Board of Examiners
of Nurses, as vacancies upon said Board shall occur, so that
said Board shall consist of five persons, each of whom shall be
appointed for a term of three years, or in case of a vacancy
occurring during the term for which any member of said Board
may have been appointed, then for the unexpired portion of
said term.

204. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of
said Board of Examiners to determine, and said Board is here-
by empowered in its sound discretion to determine, the qualifi-
cations of all applicants for registration; and each applicant
shall furnish evidence satisfactory to said Board of Examiners
that he or she is twenty-one (21) years of age, is of good
moral character, has received the equivalent of a high school
education, and has graduated from a training school connected
with a general hospital where three years of training with a
systematic course of instruction is given in the hospital, or
has graduated from a training school in connection with a
hospital of good standing supplying a systematic three years'
training corresponding to the above standards, which training
may be obtained in two or more hospitals; provided, however,
that credit may be given by the said State Board of Examiners
for not more than eight mouths of said above mentioned three
years hospital training upon an applicant furnishing evidence
to said Board of Examiners that he or she has received a scien-
tific or practical education or training; in some school, col-
lege, public health or similar organization, which course is
approved by said State Board of Examiners.

Approved April 13th, 1922.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 535   View pdf image (33K)
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