may be made by any one of them, or if all of the plaintiffs
be absent from the State at the time of the bringing of said
suit, or if the plaintiff be a corporation, the said affidavit or
affirmation may be made by any agent of any plaintiff or plain-
tiffs, or any of them who will make further oath or affirma-
tion that he has personal knowledge of the matters therein
stated; and the said affidavit or affirmation may be made before
any of the persons who may take an affidavit or affirmation to
authorize the issuing of a foreign attachment; and may be
certified in the same manner.
159K. When any judgment by default shall be entered un-
der any of the preceding sections, the court may assess the
damages on proof thereof without empaneling a jury to do so,
unless the defendant shall have filed a motion in writing,
before the entry of such default, for a jury trial; and shall
have stated in such motion how much of the plaintiff's demand
is disputed, and how much thereof, if any, is admitted by said
defendant to be due; and in such case the plaintiff may forth-
with have judgment entered up for the amount so admitted, as
provided in the preceding section.
159L. Any action taken or order passed by said court in
relation to any judgment rendered by it, if taken or passed
within thirty days after the entry of such judgment, or upon a
motion or application made to it within said thirty days, shall
have the same effect and force as it would have had under
the practice heretofore existing in said court, if taken or passed
during the term, or upon a motion or application made during
the term at which said judgment was entered, and no more;
but any such action taken or order passed after the expiration
of thirty days from the entry of any judgment (unless upon a
motion or application made within that time) shall have the
same effect and force as it would have had under such previous
practice, if taken or passed after the expiration of said term,
and no more; and the said court shall have, for a period of
thirty days after the doing of any act or thing in any cause be-
fore it, the same revisory power and control over such act or
thing which, under the practice heretofore existing, they would
have had over the same during the term at which it was done,
and no more; and, after thirty days from the doing of any such
act or thing, the said court shall have the same revisory power
and control thereover, which, under such previous practice,
they would have had after the expiration of the term at which
said act or thing: was done, and no more.