SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of said
town shall meet regularly at least once a month in the months
of June, July, August and September, and as often during the
remainder of the year as they may deem proper, for the dis-
patch of business.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted. That said Commissioners may
compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and
under such penalties as they may by ordinance provide; they
shall judge of the election returns, and settle their rules of
procedure, fix their compensation by ordinance, which shall not
be increased or diminished during their term, and shall fix the
compensation and fees of all officers appointed by said board.
They shall keep a journal of their proceedings and enter the
the yeas and nays on any question, resolution or ordinance at
the request of any member, and their deliberations shall be
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said Commissioners
shall have the power to regulate by ordinance, market house,
inspection, measurement and weight of all provisions, meats,
fish, oysters, crabs, grain, wood and coal, sold or to be consumed
in said town; to suppress all disorderly meetings; to prohibit
the use of profane, indecent, seditious or riotous language,
drunkenness, fighting and disorderly conduct in said town; to
regulate or prevent the firing of cannon, guns, pistols, squibs
or any kind of firearms in said town; to prevent the running
at large, in said town, of all animals; to prevent any immoder-
ate riding or driving through the streets of said town, with
carriage, stage, wagon, sleigh, bicycle or other vehicle, or on
horseback, so as to endanger the lives, limbs or property of the
citizens or corporation, or disturb the quiet enjoyment of the
streets or thoroughfares of said town; to prevent indecent exhi-
bitions of every kind; to preserve order and secure persons and
property from violence, danger or destruction, and to prevent,
by suitable ordinances, all kinds of hunting, trapping and fish-
ing within said town, and prescribe fines, penalties and for-
feitures for the violation of any of the said ordinances; but no
fine or penalty shall exceed the sum of one hundred dollars,
and all fines and penalties imposed by said ordinances shall
be collected as other fines, penalties and forfeitures are col-
lected under the laws of the State; and all fines, when collected
shall be promptly paid to the treasurer of the corporation for
the use of the same; and in case of default in the payment
of such fines, penalties and forfeitures, and the costs attending