and, in addition, shall report to the Governor before each ses-
sion of the General Assembly an account of their transactions,
and their advice and recommendations in relation to the sub-
jects confided to them.
SEC. 8. The State Librarian shall be assigned to the Execu-
tive Department. The State Librarian shall have and exercise
the rights, powers, duties, obligations and functions now or
hereafter conferred by law; and, in addition, shall report in
writing annually to the Governor, on or before the first day
of January, upon the work and operations of said office during
the preceding year. The Library Committee of the Court
of Appeals shall continue as now provided for by Annotated
Code, Article 55, Sections 12 to 16, inclusive.
The Finance Department.
SECTION 1. The Finance Department is hereby established.
It shall comprise the Treasury Department, as created by the
Constitution, and perform such additional functions as are herein
prescribed. The heads of this Department shall be the Comp-
troller and the Treasurer, exercising, respectively, the rights,
powers, duties, obligations and functions now or herein or
hereafter conferred upon them, respectively, by the Constitu-
tion and laws of the State.
SEC. 2. The Finance Department shall embrace three Di-
visions, namely, (1) the Division of Financial Review and
Control, (2) the Division of Deposit and Disbursement and
(3) the Board of Public Works.
SEC. 3. The head of the Division of Financial Review and
Control shall be the Comptroller, who, in addition to the rights,
powers, duties, obligations and functions conferred upon him
by law as aforesaid, shall also have and exercise supervision
and direction over the officers and governmental agencies
herein mentioned and assigned to this Division.
(a) Upon the taking effect of this Act, sections 229, 230,
232, 233 and 233A of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, title "Revenue and Taxes, " sub-title "State Audi-
tor, " shall be and the same hereby are repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, so as to read, respectively, as follows: