seded by this Act, all books, papers, maps, charts, plans, rec-
ords, documents and all supplies, equipment and other prop-
erty in the possession of the same, or of any member or offi-
cer thereof, shall be delivered to or shall vest in the depart-
ment to which the rights, powers, duties, obligations and func-
tions of the agency so abolished or superseded are transferred,
or to or in the successor to the agency so abolished or super-
seded; and where some only of the rights, powers, duties, obli-
gations or functions of an existing office, board, commission,
department or other governmental agency are transferred to
another department, then the books, papers, maps, charts,
plans, records, documents and all supplies, equipment and
other property relating to the rights, powers, duties, obligations
or functions so transferred shall be delivered to or shall vest
in the department to which such transfer is made.
SEC. 4. All persons in the classified service under the Merit
System Law, namely, the Act of 1920, Chapter 41, and any
amendments thereto, who are employed by any officer, board,
commission, department or other governmental agency abol-
ished or superseded by this Act, or any member of any such
board or other agency, whom it is desired to appoint and trans-
fer to classified service positions in the department to which
the powers and duties of such agency are transferred or under
the successor of the agency so abolished or superseded, shall be
eligible to such appointment and transfer without the neces-
sity of complying with the provisions of the said Merit System
Law, or the rules and regulations made thereunder, relative
thereto; but after such appointment and transfer, then such
positions shall continue in all respects classified service posi-
SEC. 5. All petitions, hearings and other proceedings pend-
ing before any officer, board, commission, department or other
governmental agency which is abolished or superseded by this
Act, and all prosecutions, legal or other proceedings and in-
vestigations begun by or before any such agency so abolished
or superseded, and not completed at the time of the taking
effect of this Act, shall continue and remain in full force and
effect notwithstanding the passage of this Act, and may be com-
pleted before or by the department which succeeds to the rights,
powers, duties, obligations and functions of the agency so abol-
ished or superseded, or before or by the successor of the agency
so abolished or superseded, to the same extent that such agency