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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 371   View pdf image (33K)
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Code of Maryland, Title "Elections" be and the same is here-
by repealed and re-enacted with amendments so as to read as

27. In the city of Baltimore there shall be a general
registration in the year 1922 and quadrennially there-
after. Before the November election in the year 1923
and in every year thereafter, except in years of general
registration, the last general registration shall be
revised by the Board of Registry in each precinct
where such election was to be held, and for that
purpose a Board of Registry shall meet on the Tuesdays
respectively, six and four weeks preceding the regular
election in November and shall hold a session from
12 o'clock M. to 8 o'clock P. M., and names may be
added to the registers in the same way, upon sworn
application, as in the case of a general registration,
and all the same forms and requirements shall be
observed. If it shall appear that any applicant had
been upon the registers in any other precinct in
the city of Baltimore at any time since the be-
ginning of the last general registration for such pre-
cinct, his name shall not be added to the registers
when application is made until he produces a certifi-
cate of removal given him by the Board of Registry
for such other precinct, which certificates shall be in
substance as follows:.............. precinct,............

ward. This is to certify that the name of..........

........................ heretofore residing at............

........ in this precinct, has been stricken from the registry

of the precinct and proper erasures made, and that upon the
registers of this precinct, the following entries appear with
reference to him: Name,................; age,......; color.

........; residence,................; nativity,............;

time of residence in precinct,..............; time of residence

in city,............; time of residence in State,...........;

naturalized,........; date of papers,............; Court,..

..........; qualified,........; voter,........; date of appli-

Board of Registry.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 371   View pdf image (33K)
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