And the said corporation may receive in trust and may con-
trol for the purpose of such trust all monies or other property
which may have been or shall be bestowed upon such corpora-
tion by will, deed or any other form of gift or conveyance, in
trust, for any general purpose of education, or for charitable
purposes of any description, within the said City of Salisbury.
And the said corporation may buy any property it may deem
necessary for any public or municipal purpose, and may sell,
lease or otherwise dispose of any property belonging to said
corporation; provided, that it shall not buy, sell or dispose of
any real estate of the value of Ten Thousand Dollars or over
without first submitting the question of buying or selling or
disposing of said real estate to the voters of said City of Salis-
bury at a general or special election of which at least ten days'
notice shall be given in the manner provided for holding gen-
eral elections in said City of Salisbury; provided, further,
that no contract for the sale or purchase, and no sale or pur-
chase of any real estate, involving a consideration of One
Thousand Dollars, or more, shall be made by the Mayor and
Council of Salisbury except by ordinance duly passed in ac-
cordance with the provisions of Section 142A of this Article.
147. The said policemen and street supervisor so appointed
shall have all the police powers of constables in this State, and
it shall be their duty to enforce the by-laws, resolutions and
ordinances of said city and the laws of the State of Maryland,
relating to crimes and misdemeanors committed in said city.
The Mayor, or in his absence or disability, the President of the
Council, may appoint special policemen, with all the powers of
the regular policemen, for a term of not exceeding thirty
days when deemed necessary so to do, the one appointing to
fix the compensation of said special policemen; their duties
and powers shall be the same as those, of the regular police-
men. Policemen shall have the same fees for making arrests
for infractions of the laws of the State and the ordinances
of the city as are now or may hereafter be allowed constables
in criminal cases. All fines for violation of the provisions
of the Charter or ordinances of the city shall, when collected,
be immediately paid over to the Clerk of the Council, with
the names of persons from whom collected, and deposited by
him to the credit of said city.
158D. All property located in the said city and all property
owned by residents of said city or corporations having their
principal office therein, assessable for the purpose of State and