town, and each Councilman in his respective ward during their
term of office, and they shall receive no compensation for their
services, except that the Mayor shall receive the fees herein-
after allowed.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Town Council shall meet in some convenient place in said town,
on or before the first Monday in August of each year, and as
often thereafter as may be necessary in the discharge of their
duties, provided, however, that they shall not meet less than
once in every month. The majority shall form a quorum for
the transaction of business; and upon each action taken the
yea and nay vote of each Councilman and Mayor shall be re-
corded opposite his name. The Mayor and Council shall pass
rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this
Act for their own government while in session. Any Council-
man absent from three consecutive meetings, without excuse,
shall constitute a vacancy. All vacancies occurring shall be
filled by the Mayor and Town Council. The Mayor shall pre-
side at the meting of the Council and shall call meetings from
time to time as he may deem necessary, but in case of his ab-
sence from any meeting, the Councilman present shall elect
one of their members to preside who shall for the time being:
have all the authority of the Mayor.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That annually on or be-
fore the first Monday in June, after notice printed in
the same county newspaper, the Mayor and Town Council
shall appoint two judges, who shall appoint a clerk to conduct
an election by a ballot on the first Monday of July, if not a
legal holiday, and if a legal holiday, then on the day following,
for the election of officers provided for in Section 5 of this Act.
The polls shall be opened between the hours of one and seven
P. M., the two judges and clerk above provided for shall con-
stitute the Board of Election Supervisors for said town, and
shall determine the qualifications and right of each voter to
participate in the town election by asking each applicant who
presents himself to vote at the election which they have been
appointed to conduct under oath these questions: First, have
you resided within the Town of Brentwood for a period of one
year previous to this election ? Second, are you qualified to vote
in the elections of the State of Maryland or any other State in
the United States ? And should the answers of the applicant
be in the affirmative to both questions, then it shall be the
duty of said Board of Election Supervisors to allow such