cise the functions of such offices until July 1st, 1922, or until
their successors shall be elected and qualified.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the persons so named and
constituted Mayor and Councilmen in the last preceding sec-
tion shall from time to time do and perform all things required
or allowed to be done by the Mayor and Council under this
Act and they are hereby invested with all the powers and are
required to perform all the duties authorized or required to be
done by the Mayor and Council under this Act, and they shall
continue in office until July 1st, 1922, and until their succes-
sors are elected and qualified.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Council of North
Beach shall at least ten clays prior to the fourth Satur-
day in June, 1922, and annually thereafter, give no-
tice of the time and place of holding an election for Mayor,
Treasurer and Councilmen by posting printed or typewritten
notices in five conspicuous places in the said town, and shall
also publish such notice in some newspaper published in Cal-
vert County, Maryland, and in one published in Washington,
D. C., one insertion, at least three weeks prior to said election;
said judges of election, hereinbefore provided for, shall before
acting as such take an oath before the Mayor or some justice of
the peace of Calvert County, Maryland, to allow all persons
to vote who are qualified to vote under this Act, and to allow
none to vote unless so qualified.
SEC. T. And, be it enacted, That the polls shall be kept open
from 3 o'clock P. M. until 9 o'clock P. M. of said election day.
The judges shall, after the closing of the polls, carefully count
the ballots cast, and within two days after the said election
make a true and correct return of the same under their hands
to the Council, and shall issue certificates of election to the
person appearing from said returns to have received the high-
est number of votes for Mayor, and the person receiving the high-
est number of votes for Treasurer, and the six persons receiv-
ing the highest number of votes for councilmen, and the said
certificates shall be recorded among the records of the proceed-
ings of the Town Council, and the persons who shall respect-
ively receive the highest number of votes shall be Mayor,
Treasurer and Councilmen for the said town for the ensuing
year, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That in case a vote be chal-
lenged, the judges of election shall forthwith hear and pass