tract, and the term of any person or persons acting as Health
Officer for said County under any Act of the General Assembly
now in force shall cease and determine, and that any and all
Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed
to the extent that they are inconsistent, but only to the extent
of such inconsistency, arid only as the same shall regard
Allegany County.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from and) after the first day of June, 1922.
Approved March 21st, 1922.
AN ACT to authorize the Burgess and Commissioners of New
Windsor to establish or acquire by gift, purchase or other-
wise, and upon such terms as it may agree, and there-
after to operate and maintain, an electric, lighting and
power plant, equipment, lines, fixtures and easements for
the purpose of supplying the town and vicinity of New
Windsor and the inhabitants thereof for gain with electri-
city for light, heat and power; and for this purpose to bor-
row on the faith and credit of the town of New Windsor
an amount not exceeding at any one time the sum of five
thousand dollars ($5, 000), and to issue obligations of the
said town for the amount, from time to time, so borrowed:
and to provide by taxation for the payment thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Burgess and Commissioners of New Windsor,
in Carroll County, in the State of Maryland, be and it is hereby
authorized and empowered to establish, construct or acquire
by gift, purchase or otherwise howsoever, and upon such terms
as it may agree, and thereafter to operate and maintain an
electric lighting and power plant, equipment, lines, fixtures and
easements for the purpose of supplying the said town and
vicinity of New Windsor, and the inhabitants thereof with elec-
tricity for lighting, heating and power for gain and at such
rates and on such regulations, terms and conditions as, from
time to time, the said Burgess and Commissioners of New
Windsor may determine or as may hereafter be determined by
local or general law relating to the same.