City Register and Tax Collector, in such bank or financial
institution, subject to the approval of the Board of Aldermen,
as shall pay the highest annual rate of interest on said de-
posit, as provided in said ordinance. In addition to the afore-
going the City Register shall also perform such other duties
pertaining to the proper administration of his duties of his
office as may be required by him by ordinance of the City. In
the event of any willful neglect of duty, or in case of any mis-
conduct, misbehavior or malfeasance in office, upon his convic-
tion thereof in the Circuit Court of Frederick County, or in
any other court having jurisdiction in the premises, his office
shall be deemed to be vacant, and said Board of Aldermen
shall thereupon appoint some other person having the qualifica-
tions hereinbefore prescribed for the office of City Register,
to fill out the unexpired term of the person so convicted. The
term of office of the person so elected City Register shall begin
on the first Monday next after his election and he shall con-
tinue in office until his successor in office is duly elected and
Approved March 21st, 1922.
AN ACT to authorize and empower The Severn Community,
Incorporated, a corporation of the State of Maryland, to
construct, maintain and operate a bridge and approaches
thereto, across Brewer Creek, a tributary of Severn
River in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That The Severn Community, Incorporated, a corpor-
ation of the State of Maryland, be and it is hereby authorized
and empowered to construct, maintain and operate a bridge
and approaches thereto, across Brewer's Creek, a tributary of the
Severn River, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, so as to con-
nect the properties of said The Severn Community Incorpor-
ated, lying on both sides of said Creek, subject, nevertheless
to all the provisions of the laws of the United States regulating
the construction of bridges of the navigable waters of the
United States or any state thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
on and after June 1st, 1922.
Approved March 21st, 1922