tomac River, on the West by the City Limits, and on the North
by Wills Creek.
The Second Ward of the City of Cumberland shall be divided
into two precincts, as follows:
Ward No. 2, Precinct No. 1—Comprising all that part of
Ward No. 2 beginning at the intersection of Bedford Street
(commonly called Mill Street) with Wills Creek, and running
thence up said Wills Creek to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Viaduct, and with it Northerly to Viaduct Junction, still with
said Railroad Easterly to the center line of Bedford Street,
and with the center line of said Bedford Street Southerly to
the beginning.
Ward No. 2, Precinct No. 2—Comprising all that part of
Ward No. 2 beginning at Wills Creek and the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad Viaduct, and running thence with Wills Creek
to the City Limits, which is called the Wharf Branch of the
Cumberland & Pennsylvania Railroad; and with said Branch,
it being also the City Limits, Northerly to the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad, and with the said Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Easterly to Viaduct Junction, and with the center line of the
main line of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad on the said Via-
duct Southerly to the beginning.
The Third Ward of the City of Cumberland shall be divided
into two precincts, as follows:
Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 1—Comprising all that part of
Ward No. 3 beginning at the intersection of the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad with Bedford Street, and running thence with
the center of Bedford Street Northerly to the City Limits, and
with said limits Westerly to the center of Valley Road, and
with the center line thereof and with the center of Valley
Street Southerly to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and with
said railroad Easterly to the beginning.
Ward No. 3, Precinct ~No. —Comprising all that part of
Ward No. 3 beginning at the intersection of the center line of
Valley Street with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and run-
ning thence with the center line of Valley Street and the Valley
Road to the City Limits, and with said City Limits Westerly
and Southerly to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and with the
said Baltimore & Ohio Railroad to the beginning.
The Fourth Ward of the City of Cumberland shall be divided
into two precincts, as follows:
Ward No. 4, Precinct No. 1—Comprising all that part of
Ward No. 4 beginning at the intersection of the center line of