Dollars in any one year, and to pledge the credit of the city
for the security of the same, provided however, that the water
rate shall be increased for the succeeding year sufficient to pay
off such deficit.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the bonds hereunder
authorized, shall be issued in addition to and exclusive of the ten
per cent bonded indebtedness on the assessed valuation of the
property in the City of Cumberland, authorized by Chapter
158 of the Acts of Assembly of 1898, paragraph entitled
'' Finances. ''
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That all the right, title
and interest heretofore acquired, by the holders of any of the
Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars of bonds heretofore
issued by the said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland
under the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Acts of the 1920 Sep-
tember Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, be and
they are hereby reserved and saved to said holders, and this Act
shall not be construed to in any way effect, nor relieve the said
Mayor and City Council of their obligations to pay said bonds
and the interest thereon in accordance with the terms of
the aforesaid Chapter 8 of the Acts of the 1920 September
Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, and said issue
of bonds under said Act is hereby declared to be valid and bind-
ing in every respect, but the right to issue the remaining Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars of the bonds authorized by the
aforesaid Act is hereby revoked and annulled.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That if the Mayor or any
member of the City Council shall violate any of the provisions of
this Act, or expend or attempt the expenditure of any of the
proceeds of said bonds for any other purpose than herein set
forth, he or they, shall, upon indictment and conviction, be
sentenced to pay a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars
nor more than One Thousand Dollars, or be sentenced to con-
finement in the Allegany County jail for not more than six
months, or both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That this is an emergency law,
necessary for the health and safety of the citizens of Cumber-
land (on account of the rapid growth of the said city in many
directions and the absolute necessity for supplying water for
domestic and industrial uses and for fire protection, ) and three-