it was issued, such license shall be confiscated by the State
Game Warden, any Deputy Game Warden, Constable or other
officer who shall find such license being used.
Section 68. Every license so issued shall entitle the person
to whom it is issued to hunt, pursue and kill the birds and
animals herein mentioned, which are protected by law, in any
county within this State, for which the same is issued, or any-
where within the State if it be a State-wide License, at any
time when it shall be lawful to hunt, pursue, or kill such birds
or animals referred to in Section 44; provided, that every
licensee while hunting, trapping, pursuing or killing as afore-
said, shall have with him the license referred to above, and shall
also display a tag bearing his license number in figures at least
one inch in height, fastened upon his outer garment at the cen-
ter of its back and between the shoulders in such manner that
the figures are visible at all times while thus hunting or trap-
ping. The license must be produced for the inspection of the
State Game Warden, Deputy Game Warden, Sheriff, Constables
or other officers or any person demanding to see it.
Section 71. Any person found guilty of hunting, pursuing
or killing of any of the birds or animals referred to in this Act
without having a license, except as herein provided or for re-
fusing to show said license when demanded by the State Game
Warden or any Deputy or Local Game Warden, Sheriff, Con-
stable or other officer or person, or failing to display the license
number on his back as provided in Section 68, or violating any
of the other provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any Justice
of the Peace of this State, shall be fined fifteen dollars ($15,
for each, and every offense and shall stand committed to the
County jail or the Baltimore City jail, until such fine and cost=
are paid, but such imprisonment shall not exceed fifteen days
for each offense. Any Constable or other person other than the
Game Warden or Deputy Game Warden or officer under the
Conservation Commission receiving compensation, who shall
procure the conviction of any person for violating any provision
or provisions of this Act shall receive half of the fine recovered;
the remaining half ahall be paid over to the State Comptroller
for account of the State Game Protection Fund, to be used as
provided by Law.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all General and
Local Laws or parts of such laws inconsistent with the pro-
visions of this Act, and all resident and non-resident hunting