AN ACT to authorize and direct the Board of County Commis-
sioners of Somerset County to levy ten thousand dollars
($10, 000) for the erection of a school building for colored
children in Crisfield, and to authorize and direct the
County Board of Education of Somerset County to erect
a school building for colored children in Crisfield.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Cumberland to issue bonds to be known as "Water
Improvement Bonds of 1922" to the amount of Five
Hundred Thousand ($500, 000. 00) Dollars, and to sell
the same and to use the proceeds thereof for the purpose
of improving, repairing, and extending and other neces-
sary purposes heretofore and hereafter affecting the water
system and supply of the said city, and to provide for
the advertisement and sale of the same, and to provide
punishment for violation of this Act, and to revoke the
power of sale contained in Chapter 8 of the Acts of the
1920 September Session of the General Assembly of Mary-
land authorizing the sale of similar bonds.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, be
and it is hereby authorized and empowered to issue "Water
Improvement Bonds of 1922" to the amount of Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars, payable at the end of forty years from the
date of issue, and to sell the same; said bonds to be of the de-
nomination of One Thousand Dollars, and shall be exempt
from State, County, and Municipal taxes; said bonds to be
signed by the Mayor of the City of Cumberland, and attested
by the City Clerk, with the corporate seal of the city there-
unto attached, and to bear interest at the rate of not more
than five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, for which
interest, proper coupons are to be attached to said bonds; and
at the end of each fiscal year, any excess of receipts over ex-
penses in the water fund, in said year shall be paid to the
trustees of the sinking fund, to be held and invested for the
redemption of all the water bonds of the City of Cumberland