troller while on offi-
cial business ...... 1,560.00
Increase in salary oi
Comptroller from
Jan. 1, 1923. to Sep.
30. 1923. contingent
on adoption of Con-
stitutional Am e n d-
ment authorizing the
Legislature to fix sal-
ary................ 1,875.00
—————— 6,535.00
Richard K. Worthington, Chief
Clerk Circuit Court No. 2 of
Baltimore City, salary from
June 1, 1920, to Sep. 30, 1920,
under Act 1920, Chap. 70..... 166.66
Harry W. Rogers, Chief Clerk Cir-
cuit Court of Baltimore City,
salary from June 1, 1920, to
Sep. 30, 1920, under Act 1920,
Ohap. 70 ................. 166.66
Nathaniel T. Meginniss, Trust
Clerk Supreme Bench of Balti-
more City, salary from June
1, 1920, to Sep. 30. 1920. un-
der Act 1920, Chap. 70....... 166.66
Cleaning, oiling and refinishing por-
traits in State House neces-
sary to prevent their deteriora-
tion, to be expended under di-
rection of Governor........... 500.00
For unpaid claims under the Miners
and Operators Co-operative
Relief Fund, to be expended
under the direction of the State
Industrial Accident Commis-
sion......................... 3,852.45
Publication of Constitu t i o n a11
Amendments, Referend u m s,
etc., additional amount needed 2,000.00
The Advertiser, Annapolis, for 96
copies of 1920 Laws delivered
bnt not paid for............. 240.00