1126 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Cil. 400
production of the offender before the said justice of the peace,
the said justice shall forthwith adjudge and require the fines
so certified as having been imposed and approved, together
with all the costs of the proceedings before him, to be paid,
and in default of payments of said fines and costs as afore-
said, said justice shall commit the delinquent to the jail of the
city or county where the said delinquent resides, for one day
for every dollar of the said aggregate amount of fine and costs,
but in no case shall the period of imprisonment exceed ten
days. The fine so collected shall be paid by the said justice
to the finance officer of the organization of which the offender
was a member, to be applied by him to the military funds of
the organization.
41. ]STo action or proceeding shall be prosecuted or main-
tained against a member of a military court or officer or per-
son acting under its authority, or reviewing its proceedings on
account of the approval or imposition or execution of any sen-
tence, or the imposition or collection of a fine or penalty, or the
execution of any warrant, writ, execution, process or mandate
of a militarv court.
42. The force organized as prescribed in this Act shall be
considered in the actual service of the State, and the members
thereof shall be subject to all military laws, orders and regula-
tions prescribed for the government thereof, and all military
offenses shall be considered, and thev are herebv declared to
7 •.' e'
be offenses against the general police regulations of the State,
and shall be punishable by fine or imprisonment as provided in
this Article.
Except when on duty in time of war, insurrection, invasion,
public danger or to aid the civil authorities on account of any
breach of the peace, tumult, riot, resistance to power of the
State or imminent danger thereof, and also in all cases not
otherwise covered, commissioned officers may be tried by court-
martial for the following offenses:
1. I^"on-attendance without excuse at any drill, parade, en-
campment, meeting for instruction or other duty or-
dered by competent authority.
2. Unmilitary or unofficer-like conduct.
3. Drunkenness on duty.
4. Neglect of duty.
5. Disobedience of orders or any act contrary to the pro-
visions of the Militia Law of the State or to the orders