carry with them only such privileges or rights as are allowed
in like eases in the military service of the United States.
33. To promote efficiency and as a reward for continuous
service, the Governor shall have the power, under regulations
to be prescribed by him, to issue service medals of appropriate
designs to officers and enlisted men of the organized militia of
the State, who shall complete ten or more years of continuous
service. Appropriate ribbon badges may be1 issued by the
State to represent any medal issued or authorized and the wear-
ing of such badge as a part of the uniform is authorized.
34. In order to reward those citizens of Maryland who
volunteered in the Spanish-American War or who served in the
World War. the Governor shall have power, under regulations
to be prescribed by him, to issue medals of appropriate designs
to officers and enlisted men who served in either the Army or
2sTavy of the United States.
35. For the purpose of maintaining appropriate organiza-
tion and to assist in instruction and training, the President
may assign the National Guard of Maryland to divisions,
brigades and other tactical units, and may detail officers either
from the National Guard or the Regular Army to command
such units; provided, that when complete units are organized
within this State, the commanding officers thereof shall not be
displaced under the provisions of this section.
36. Upon the termination of any emergency for which the
National Guard has been drafted into the military service of
the United States, all persons so drafted, upon being discharged
from the Army of the United States, shall continue to serve in
the National Guard of Maryland until the dates upon which
their enlistments, entered into prior to their draft, would have
expired if uninterrupted.
37. All officers and employees of the State who shall be
members of the organized militia shall be entitled to leave of
absence from their respective duties, without loss of pay, time
or efficiency rating, on all days during which they shall be
engaged in field or coast defense training ordered or author-
ized under the provisions of this Act.
38. Courts-martial in the organized militia shall be of three
kinds, namely, general courts-martial, special courts-martial
and summary courts-martial. They shall be constituted like,