When the rate of pay allowed by the Ignited States is less than
the amount set forth in this Article, then the difference shall
be paid out of the militia funds of the State.
Officers shall receive the same per diem pay, including
longevity, as officers of the Regular Army of like grade and
length of service, except that nothing in this Section shall be
construed as authorizing the Ranking Line Officer to draw
any salary except that authorized and provided in the budget.
Enlisted men shall be paid the following rates per day:
First, second and third grades, two dollars and twenty-five
cents; fourth grade, two dollars; fifth grade, one dollar and
seventy-five cents; sixth grade, one dollar and fifty cents; and
seventh grade, one dollar and twenty-five cents. And in addi-
tion to pay, each enlisted man shall receive rations as pre-
scribed by the regulations of the United States Army, or com-
mutation thereof at a rate not exceeding forty cents per day.
Each enlisted man, who has served a full term of enlistment
and who re-enlists within ninety days after the expiration of
bis previous enlistment., shall receive an increase of 10 per
cent, of his pay during this enlistment, and for each three-
year term of enlistment served thereafter an increase of 10 per
cent, will be granted, until 40 per cent, is reached; provided,
that any man who served in the Armv or !Nfavy of the United
f t/ */
States during the World War shall receive credit for all for-
mer military service in computing the foregoing rates of per-
centage of pay increase,
And provided further, that all enlisted men who qualify, as
prescribed by the Governor, in small arms practice and who
shall be' present at the annual inspection of bis organization
next succeeding said qualification, shall be paid tbe following
increase in the pay of their respective grades for a period of
one year beginning on January first following such qualifica-
tion: Experts, 20 per cent.; sharpshooters, 15 per cent.; marks-
men, 10 per cent.
For all purposes of this section, officers and enlisted men of
tbe organized militia who entered the military or naval service
of the United States in the Spanish-American or subsequent
wars, shall be entitled to credit for the time served in such
service as if tbe service had been rendered in the organized
The provisions of this section not to apply when the troops
are called or drafted into the service of the United States.