(d) To St. Anthony's Orphan Asylum in Baltimore City
(described in the will as St, Anthony's Orphan Asylum), one
hundred dollars;
(e) To St. Vincent's Infant Asylum of the City of Balti-
more (described in the will as St. Vincent's Infant Asylum of
Baltimore), one hundred dollars.
(92) To the gift in remainder upon certain contingencies
to the Jewish Home for Consumptives of Baltimore in certain
property and estate conveyed by deed dated November 7, 1919,
between Ansel Mandelbaum and Eli Frank and Safe Deposit
and Trust Company of Baltimore, Trustees; said deed being
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber
S. C. L. IS o. 3478, folio 94, etc,
(93) To the bequests under the will of Duane H. Rice, de-
ceased, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Balti-
more County, in Wills, Liber W. J. P. No. 10, folio 83, etc.
(a) To Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, at Towson,
Maryland, two hundred and fifty dollars;
(b) To Church of Our Father, IJniversalist, at corner Lan-
vale Street and Guilford Avenue, two hundred and fifty dol-
(94) To the bequests under the will of William B. Paca,
deceased, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of
Queen Anne's County, in Wills, Liber W, T. B. No. 1, folio
245, etc.:
(a) To the Vestry of Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal
Church, Baltimore, Md., of article to be made from testator's
solid silver and plated ware.
(b) To St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church at Wye
Mills, Talbot County, Md., of three hundred dollars.
(95) To the deed and conveyance from Harry S. Phelps,
Lottie M. Phelps and ^"ina B. Moore, to the District of Co-
lumbia Conference Corporation of Seventh Day Adventists,
to Lot Xumber Twenty (20) in Laurel Park, as per plat re-
corded in the Land Records of Prince George's County, Mary-
land, in Liber J. W. B. Xo. 5, folio 526; said deed having
been recorded among the said Land Records October 3, 1921,
in Liber 174, folio 1.
(96) To the grants and deeds made and executed to The
First Baptist Church of Ellicott City. Maryland, a body cor-