Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
An ACT for the benefit of Rebecca Edmondson, Joseph Edmond-
son, Elizabeth Edmondson and William Edmondson, children and
minors of Joseph Edmondson, deceased.
WHEREAS it is represented to the general assembly of Maryland, by the petition of Mary,
Edmondson, mother and guardian of her four children, Rebecca Edmondson, Joseph Edmond-
son, Elizabeth Edmondson and William Edmondson, who are minors, that a certain William Ed-
mondson, senior, deceased had granted to him by a patent, bearing date the seventeenth day of
December, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, a tract of land called Nod's Forest, being part of
New Connaught Manor, lying and being in Gagcil county, and that the surveyor in making a certifi-
cate of the said survey, on which the patent was granted, had committed an error, in representing
the first course of the same as running north, forty- nine degrees and one third east, two hundred
and twenty perches and one quarter, instead of south, forty-nine degrees and one third east, two
hundred and twenty perches and one quarter, the true course of the same, and that the said William
Edmondson departed this life, intestate, without issue, leaving the four children aforesaid, the chil-
dren, heirs at law of Joseph Edmondson, deceased, the brother of the said William, who became
co-heirs of the said land; and the said Mary praying that the said error may be corrected, and the
facts as stated appearing true, and it appearing reasonable that the remedy prayed for should be
granted, therefore,
Certificate to
be examined,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the examiner-general of the wes-
tern shore be and he is hereby directed and required to examine the certificate aforesaid, on which
the patent issued to the said William Edmondson for the tract of land called Nod's Forest, and if
the said examiner shall be of opinion that an error has been committed by the surveyor in returning
the said certificate, by representing the first course of the same as running north, forty-nine degrees
and one third east, instead of south, forty-nine degrees and one third east, then and in that case the
examiner aforesaid shall correct the said error, by changing and altering the direction of the first
course of the same from north to south; and the register of the land-office is hereby required and
directed to alter the patent, granted on the certificate aforesaid, and the record thereof, so as to
make the same correspond with the certificate which may be so as aforesaid altered and corrected;
provided, that such alteration shall in no degree affect, or be construed to affect, the right or title
which any other person or persons shall or may have acquired, of, in and to the said land, or any
part thereof, prior to the passage of this act, but that all such rights shall be of the same effect, and
have the same avail, as if this law had never passed, any thing herein contained to the contrary
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
An ACT to pay the civil list, and other expences of civil government.
WHEREAS those who dedicate their time, abilities and labour, to the public, ought to receive
a reasonable and adequate compensation for their services ;
Officers sala-
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following officers of civil go-
vernment for the time being shall be entitled to receive at the rate of the following salaries, in cur-
rent money, for the ensuing year, to wit: The treasurer of the western shore two thousand dollars,
the treasurer of the eastern shore four hundred and fifty dollars, the auditor eight hundred dollars,
the clerk of the council eight hundred dollars, the clerk of the senate one hundred and fifty dollars,
the clerk of the house of delegates three hundred dollars, the printer "to the state twelve hundred
dollars, the messenger to the council two hundred and fifty dollars.
Monies to be
first applied,
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all monies which shall remain in the treasury, after discharging
the journal of accounts, and all unappropriated money which may come into the treasury, be first
applied to the payment of the civil list for the ensuing year.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act in favour of the president
and directors of the Patowmack company, and the commissioners
of the federal buildings.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, that certain owners of slaves in
the state of Maryland are in the habit of hiring able bodied male-slaves to the Patowmack , com-