part of the said two children, and being satisfied that it is necessary, and will be of advantage to
the said children, William Henry Lansdale and Thomas Reeder Lansdale, to order the sale of th$_
said two tracts or parcels of land, upon such terms as the said court may think proper, and to appoint
a trustee or trustees for the purpose of effecting such sale.
Sale to be con-
firmed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any sale made by the authority of the orphans court of the said
county under this act, shall be notified to and confirmed by the orphans court aforesaid, before the
conveyance of the property shall be made, and bond, with good and sufficient security, in the namex
of the state of Maryland, to be approved by the orphans court of the said county, shall be given by
the person or persons empowered to sell the land as aforesaid, for the due execution of the trust
committed, which bond shall be lodged with the register of wills for the county aforesaid, and the
said bond shall be recorded, and be subject to be put in suit by any person or persons interested, in
the same manner as administration bonds now are.
Trustee to be
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee or trustees appointed by virtue of this act shall be
accountable to the guardian of the said children, under the directions of the orphans court for the
county aforesaid, and pay over the money arising from the sale of the land aforesaid in such manner
as the court aforesaid shall or may direct.
Deed declared
valid, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any conveyance or deed made by the trustee or trustees afore-
said, pursuant to the directions of the orphans court of the county aforesaid, shall and is hereby
declared to be valid and effectual to pass and convey all the right, title and interest, of the said Wil-
liam Henry Lansdale and Thomas Reeder Lansdale, in and to the land aforesaid, to the purchaser
or purchasers of the same.
Passed Janua-
ry 5, 1805.
An ACT for the benefit of Benjamin Willson, of Caroline county,
a minor.
WHEREAS George Downes, of Queen-Anne's county, as guardian to a certain Benjamin Will-
son, of Caroline county, by his petition to this general assembly hath set forth, that Samuel
Swift, of Caroline county, died seized of a tract of land lying and being in the said county, called
Foster's Folly and Foster's Folly Resurveyed, containing one hundred and nineteen acres of land;
that the said Samuel Swift left five children, William Swift, Elizabeth Swift, Sarah Swift, Nancy
Swift and Samuel Swift; that the said William Swift, Elizabeth Swift and Sarah Swift, sold their
parts of the said tract of land to a certain Benjamin Willson, the father of the aforesaid Benjamin
Willson, who devised the same to his youngest son Benjamin Willson; that the said Nancy Swift
hath since arrived at age, and is desirous of selling her part of the said land; that the said farm will
not be of much advantage to the said Benjamin Wilison, without a purchase of the other parts; and
prays that a law may pass to authorise him to sell so much of the personal estate of the said Benja-
min Willson as will enable him to purchase the parts of the said land belonging to the said Nancy
Swift and Samuel Swift; and this assembly thinking it just and expedient that the prayer of the said
petitioner should be granted, therefore,
Court may di-
rect a sale, &c.
II.' BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the orphans court of Caroline coun-
ty be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, upon the application of the said George Downes,
to direct such part a|id so much of the personal estate of the said Benjamin Willson to be sold by
the said George Downes, at public sale, upon such terms and conditions as they shall think proper,
as may be necessary to purchase that part of the said tract of land belonging to the said Nancy Swift,
called Foster's Folly and Foster's Folly Resurveyed, and that the said George Downes shall, under
the direction of the said court, be empowered to make purchase of the said Nancy Swift's part of
said land, for the use and benefit of the said Benjamin Willson.
On application,
to direct a fur-
ther sale, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said Samuel Swift shall have arrived at the age of
twenty-one years, upon application of the said George Downes to the orphans court of Caroline
county aforesaid, the said orphans court, in their discretion, may authorise the said George Downes
to sell as aforesaid, such further part of the personal estate of the said Benjamin Willson as they
shall think necessary and proper, to purchase the said Samuel Swift's part of the said land, for the
use and benefit of the said Benjamin Willson; provided, that no sale of personal estate, nor any
purchase of land as directed by the provisions of this act, shall be binding and effectual, unless the
same shall have been first ratified and confirmed by the orphans court of Caroline county.