sifter any such application, shall be of opinion that the circumstances of the applicant are such as to
fender a situation in the poor-house particularly unsuitable, the said trustees, or a majority of them,
are hereby directed to recommend such application to the levy court of their respective county, and
the said levy courts are hereby respectively authorised and empowered, if they shall also be of opini-
on that the circumstances of the applicant are such as to render a situation in the poor-house particu-
larly unsuitable, to levy a sum of money for the support of said applicant out of the poor-house, not
exceeding forty dollars for any one applicant; provided, that the number of out-pensioners shall not
exceed twenty in any one county in any one year; and the money so levied shall be collected as other
monies are collected for the support of the poor, and shall be paid to the said out-pensioners, or any
other person whom the levy courts respectively shall direct.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the trustees of the poor for Caroline county, or a majority of
them, should be of an opinion that the poor of their county can be supported at a less expence as
out-pensioners, they may, in their discretion, put out the whole, or any part of them, provided
that not more than forty dollars shall be allowed for any one pensioner so put out.
Poor may be
put out, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall continue and be in full force until the first day of
October, eighteen hundred and ten, and until the next session of assembly thereafter.
An ACT to empower the levy court of Dorchester county to appoint
a constable for the village of New-Market, in the said county.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Dorchester county,
at their annual meeting, shall appoint a constable for the village of New-Market, and that the
county clerk shall signify such appointment, under his hand, and deliver the same to the sheriff,
within five days after such appointment, and the sheriff shall, within ten days after such delivery,
deliver the same to the person so appointed, or leave the same at his usual place of abode, under
the penalty of four dollars on the clerk or sheriff respectively neglecting herein, to be recovered be-
fore any single magistrate as in case of small debts, to the use of the county.
Court may ap-
point a consta-
ble, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the constable so appointed in virtue of this act shall be an inha-
bitant of said village, and that he shall be obliged to execute all warrants and precepts to him di-
rected, and to prevent the tumultuous and disorderly meeting of slaves and negroes within the said
village, and within the limits of three miles of the said village, and to punish, with moderate cor-
rection, under the direction of any justice of the peace, all such negro and other slaves as shall be
found wandering or strolling about the streets in the night-time, or frequenting the houses of other
persons within the limits aforesaid, without the permission or consent of their masters, mistresses
or overseers; and such constable shall and may have, take, exact and receive, such fees as the law
in such case has directed.
To be an inha-
bitant, &c.
An ACT to authorise William Du Bourg, and others, associated
professors of a seminary of learning in the vicinity of the city of
Baltimore, to admit students to degrees, and to grant diplomas.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
WHEREAS it has always been considered necessary and proper that all flourishing seminaries of
learning, in which a regular and full course of education is established to be taught, should
have the power of granting diplomas, or honorary testimonials of the proficiency and merit of their
students, as well from a principle of justice and advantage to the graduates, as with a view of pub-
lishing to the world the reputation of the seminaries themselves; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Du Bourg, and others, as-
sociated professors of a seminary of learning in the vicinity of the city of Baltimore, be and they
are, hereby authorised and empowered to hold public commencements, either on stated annual days,
or occasionally, as the ordinances of the said seminary may direct, and at such commencements, to ad-
mit any of the students in said seminary to any degree or degrees in any of the faculties, arts and
sciences, and liberal professions, which are usually permitted to be conferred in any colleges or uni-
versities in America or Europe; and it is hereby enacted, that the said William Du Bourg, and
others, associated professors in the said seminary, or a majority of them, shall make out, and sign
with their names, diplomas or certificates of the admission to such degree or degrees, and the same
Professors may
hold com-