James Mosher hath further prayed, that the said general assembly may release to him all the right
which the state hud or hath in the said lot, piece or parcel of ground, and the prayer of the said
petitioner appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title of the said James Mosher
to the said lot, piece or parcel of ground, shall be and the same is hereby made as perfect and com-
plete, to all intents and purposes, as if the said Matthew Johnson had been naturalized agreeably to
the laws of the United States before the said purchase was made by the said Johnson, any law of
this state to the contrary notwithstanding; provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall
in any manner defeat or affect any right, title or claim, to the said property, or any part thereof,
acquired or prosecuted by any person or persons whatever before the passage of this act.
Title made per-
fect, &c.
An ACT respecting certain lots of land westward of Fort Cumber-
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
WHEREAS the powers of the commissioners appointed under a further supplement to the act
respecting the settlers on the reserved lands westward of Fort Cumberland, passed at No-
vember session, seventeen hundred and ninety three, did cease and determine on the first day of Ja-
nuary, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-six, and the purposes for which the said commis-
sioners were appointed are still incomplete and unfinished, and it is necessary that the said powers
should be revived : And whereas the compensation to said commissioners were insufficient; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all and singular the powers, duties
and authorities, which were vested in the commissioners appointed by an act, entitled, A further
supplement to an act respecting the settlers on the reserved lauds westward of Fort Cumberland, be
and they are hereby vested in Benjamin Tomlinson,. John Hodge Bayard and Upton Bruce, or any
two of them, who are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose of carrying into effect the
said further supplement, in as full and ample a manner as the said commissioners appointed by said
further supplement; and in case of the death, removal out of the county, or refusal to act, of any
of the commissioners herein appointed, the county court of Ailegany are hereby authorised to fill
up such vacancy, and so from time to time whenever a vacancy shall happen during the continuance
of this act.
Powers, &c.
vested, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners herein appointed, or any two of them, be
and they are hereby further authorised and empowered, on the application of any person or persons
in possession of a lot or lots westward of Fort Cumberland, in all cases where manifest errors ap-
pear in any certificate of survey of a lot, or patent thereon, and of which such person or persons
is or are in the possession, or in any line contained in such certificate, or patent thereon, to corred
and adjust the same in their judgments, according to the original location thereof, a certificate of
which location, under the hands and seals of the acting commissioners, shall be made out, and re-
turned to the clerk of Ailegany county court, which shall be received and recorded as by the origi-
nal act to which this is a supplement is directed, and when recorded, shall have the same effect, and
no other, as the adjudications of the commissioners under the original act, any expression in said
certificate of survey, or patent, to the contrary notwithstanding.
to correct, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each of the commissioners herein appointed shall be entitled to
receive, as a compensation, one dollar for each day he shall attend to the discharge of the duties,
by the said further supplement, and by this act, appointed and directed, to be paid by the person or
persons at whose request the service shall be performed; and, if necessary, attachment of contempt
shall be issued by the county courts to compel such payment.
Their allow-
ance, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall continue and be in force until the first day of Oc-
tober, which shall be in the year eighteen hundred and ten, and until the end of the next session of
assembly which shall happen thereafter.
An ACT to lay out and open a road in Anne-Arundel county
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Charles Waters, Zachariah Duvall,
junior, Henry Duvall, Oliver Cromwell and Abner Linthicum, of Anne-Arundel county, or a
majority of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to survey, lay out and open, at
the expence of the persons who shall or may subscribe as herein after directed, a road, not exceed-
Passed Janua-
ry 12, 1805.
appointed, &c