of the said bridge, or of any abutment, pier or piers, or of any of the toll-houses, gates, bars, or
other property of the said corporation appertenant to, or erected or made for, the use and conveni-
ence of the said bridge, or the persons employed in conducting the business thereof, or shall wilfully,
without the orders and consent of the said corporation, or any person or persons authorised by them,
obliterate, deface or destroy, the letters, figures or other characters, in any written or printed list of
the rates or tolls affixed, or to be affixed, in any place or places for the information of passengers, and
others, or who shall wilfully and maliciously obstruct or impede the passage on or over the said bridge,
or any part or parts thereof, he, she or they, so offending, shall, and each of them shall, forfeit and
pay to the said president, directors and company, not exceeding the sum of twenty dollars, to be re-
covered before any justice of the peace in like manner, and subject to the same rules and regulations,
as debts under ten pounds may be recovered, and he, she or they, so offending, may and shall remain,
liable to actions, at the suit of the said president and directors, for further damages for such offence,
if the said sum or sums herein mentioned be not sufficient to repair and satisfy such damages.
C H A P.
An ACT to dired the mode of collecting the several taxes imposed
on proceedings in the court of chancery.
Passed Janua-
ry 12, 1805,
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the register of the court of chancery
shall keep an exact account of the taxes imposed by law on chancery proceedings for services
done in the said court for persons resident within this state, and deliver or send the same to the se-
veral sheriffs of the particular counties, who are hereby required to collect the same, and are accord-
ingly empowered, for default of payment, to collect the same by way of execution, or otherwise,
and commanded not to return any in arrears, except in case of the debtor's insufficiency or nonre-
sidence in the county, and to pay the same to the treasurer of the respective shore, us the case may
be; and every sheriff may retain at the rate of six per cent, for his trouble in collecting and paying
the said taxes according to this act.
Register to
keep an ac-
count, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the register in chancery shall annually lay before the general as-
sembly a fair list of the said taxes, as they shall yearly arise, which said list shall be returned, on
oath, stating particularly the suits on which the said taxes shall arise, and the particular services
for which the said taxes shall become due.
And lay before
the assembly a
list, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said taxes shall not be demanded from any persons resident
within this state otherwise than according to the provisions of this act, any law, usage or custom,
to the contrary notwithstanding; provided nevertheless, that any thing herein, contained shall not
be construed or understood to alter or change the mode prescribed for collecting the taxes which may
arise for services done in the said court for persons who do not reside within this state, but in such
cases the said taxes shall be received and paid as heretofore directed by the act imposing the said
Taxes not to be
demanded, &c.
A Further additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act to pro-
vide for the administration of justice in cases of crimes and misde-
meanors in the city and county of Baltimore.
Passed Janua-
ry 12, 1805.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all writs for the recovery of any pe-
nalty, fine or forfeiture, imposed by the court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for Balti-
more county, shall be hereafter issued by the clerk of the said court, and made returnable thereto,
and shall be tested in the name of the chief justice thereof; and the said court shall have and exer-
cise the same powers, rights and jurisdiction, over and touching the said writs, and the matters and
facts to which the same relate, as now is possessed and exercised by Baltimore county court.
Writs to be is-
sired by the
clerk, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all ordinary and retailers licences, all hawkers and pedlers li-
cences, all licences for ferries and billiard tables, and all other licences for retailing or vending spi-
rituous liquors, now issuable from Baltimore county court, shall hereafter be granted by, and issued
from, the said court of oyer and terminer only, and the several justices of the said court of oyer
and terminer, in their vacations, shall have and exercise exclusively the power now possessed by the
justices of Baltimore county court, of granting permits for the purposes aforesaid, with the like
power to the said court and justices of suspending, suppressing or revoking, any of the said licences
or permits, as is now possessed by Baltimore county court and the justices thereof,
Court to grant
Licences, &c.