C H A P. LV.
Passed Janua-
ry 12, 1805.
An ACT to provide for the trial of fads in tlie several counties of
this state, and to alter, change and abolish, all such parts of the
constitution and form of government as relate to the general court
and court of appeals.
State divided
into districts,
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland That this state shall be divided into six ju-
dicial districts, in manner and form following, to wit: Saint-Mary's, Charles and Prince-George's
counties, shall be the first district; Caecil, Kent, Queen- Anne's and Talbot counties, shall be the
second district.; Calvert, Anne-Arundel and Montgomery counties, shall be the third district; Ca-
roline, Dorchester, Somerset and Worcester counties, shall be the fourth district; Frederick, Wash-
ington and Allegany counties, shall be the fifth district; Baltimore and Harford counties, shall be
the sixth district; and there shall be appointed, for each of the said judicial districts, three persons of
integrity and sound legal knowledge, residents of the state of Maryland, who shall, previous to and
during their acting as judges, reside in the district for which they shall respectively be appointed,
one of whom shall be styled in the commission Chief Judge, and the other two Associate Judges, of
;the district for which they shall be appointed; and the chief judge, together with the two associate
judges, shall compose the county courts in each respective district; and each judge shall hold his com-
mission during good behaviour, removable for misbehaviour on conviction in a court of law, or shall
be removed by the governor, upon the address of the general assembly, provided that two thirds of
all the members of each house concur in such address; and the county courts, so as aforesaid esta-
blished, shall have, hold and exercise, in the several counties of this state, all and every the powers,
authorities and jurisdictions, which the county courts of this state now have, use and exercise, and
which shall be hereafter prescribed by law; and the said county courts established by this act shall
respectively hold their sessions in the several counties at such times and places as the legislature shall
direct and appoint, and the salaries of the said judges shall not be diminished during the period of
their continuance in office.
Judges, on sug-
gestion, may
order the record
to be transmit-
ted, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in any suit or action at law hereafter to be commenced or insti-
tuted in any county court of this state, the judges thereof, upon suggestion, in writing, by either of
the parties thereto, supported by affidavit, or other proper evidence, that a fair and impartial trial
cannot be had in the county court of the county where such suit or action is depending, shall and
way order and direct the record of their proceedings in such suit or action to be transmitted to the
judges of any county court within the district for trial, and the judges of such county court, to whom
the said record shall be transmitted, shall hear and determine the same in like manner as if such suit
or action had been originally instituted therein; provided nevertheless, that such suggestion shall be ~
made as aforesaid before or during the term in which the issue or issues may be joined in said suit or
actioivr and provided also, that such further remedy may provided by law in the premises as the
legislature shall from time to time direct and enact.
Party present-
ed may suggest
in writing, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any party presented or indicted in any of the county courts
of this state, shall suggest, in writing, to the court in which such prosecution is depending, that a
fair and impartial trial cannot be had in such court, it shall and may be lawful for the said court to
order and direct the record of their proceedings in the said prosecution to be transmitted to the judges
of any adjoining county court for trial, and the judges of such adjoining county court shall hear and
determine the same in the same manner as if such prosecution had been originally instituted therein;
provided, that such further and other remedy may be provided by law in the premises as the legisla-
ture may direct and enact.
ral may sug-
gest, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the attorney-general, or the prosecutor for the state, shall
suggest, in writing, to any county court before whom an indictment is or may be depending, that the
state cannot have a fair and impartial trial in such court, it shall and may be lawful for the said court,
in their discretion, to order and direct the record of their proceedings in the said prosecution to be
transmitted to the judges of any adjoining county court for trial, and the judges of such county court
shall hear and determine the same as if such prosecution had been originally instituted therein.
There shall be
a court of ap-
peals, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That there shall be a court of appeals, and the same shall be composed
of the chief judges of the several judicial districts of the state, which said court of appeals shall
hold, use and exercise, all and singular the powers, authorities and jurisdictions, heretofore held,
used and exercised, by the court of appeals of this state, and also the appellate jurisdiction heretofore