any justice of the peace of the county, he or she shall be adjudged by the said justice to pay a fine
not exceeding ten dollars, to be recovered, with costs, as debts under ten pounds are by law reco-
verable, which fine, when recovered, shall be paid to the treasurer of the company, for the use of
the said company.
XXXII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all wagoners and drivers of carriages of all kinds, whether
of burthen or pleasure, using the said roact, shall, except when passing by a carriage of slower draught,
keep their horses and carriages on the right hand side of the said road in the passing direction, leav-
ing the other side of the road free and clear for other carriages to pass and repass; and if any driver
shall offend against this provision, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars to any person who
shall be obstructed in his passage, and will sue for the same, to be recovered, with costs, before any
justice, in the same manner as debts under ten pounds are recoverable.
Wagoners, &c.
to keep the
right hand side,
XXXIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall not be lawful for any of the said companies to ask,
demand or receive, of or from any person or persons living on or adjacent to the said roact, within
three miles of any of the said gates or turnpikes, any toll for passing the said gate more than once in
twenty-four hours.
Toll to be paid
but once in 24
hours, &c.
XXXIV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no toll-gate shall be erected within the distance of one
mile from any of the towns or villages in this act mentioned.
No toll-gate to
be ere&cd, &c.
XXXV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That either of the said presidents and managers of any of the
said turnpike roads for the time being, shall and may, and they are hereby authorised and empower-
ed, to grant, demise, and to farm let, to any person or persons with whom they can agree, the tolls
and duties which they, by virtue of this act or their own by-laws, are authorised to demand and re-
ceive for passage in, upon and along, the said roact, at any such gate or turnpike, over or upon the
same, or any part of the same, for any term not exceeding seven years, under such rents, reservati-
ons and conditions, as the said president and managers, at any meeting of their board, shall agree
upon, which grants and demises shall have the same construction, force and effect, as other like
grants and demises made between private persons have and receive.
Tolls may be
granted, &c.
XXXVI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if, by the termination of any of the said roads, it should
so happen that a fractional part may remain, over and above the even ten miles, measuring from the
outlines of the city of Baltimore aforesaid, that it shall and may be lawful for the said companies,
on the same being completed agreeably to this act, to make application to the governor and council,
who shall thereupon have the same examined and licensed as aforesaid to receive tolls in the same
proportions on the aforesaid fractional part of said road as is herein before allowed to be received
on other parts of the said road.
Application to
be made, &c.
XXXVII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every provision of this act, so far as the same re-
late to the Reister's-town and York-town roads, shall remain suspended, and shall not be carried
into execution until after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eight; provided, that the
persons named in the third section of this act may, at their discretion, proceed to open books for
subscriptions for said roads on the day or days therein directed, or defer to do the same until the first
day of January, eighteen hundred and eight, of which determination and day or days appointed
they shall give a previous notice of at least one month in the several papers therein mentioned.
Provisions sus-
pended, &c.
XXXVIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of Baltimore county shall continue to re-
ceive all the tolls which are or may be establised on the Reister's town and York-town roads under
existing laws; and the several laws now in force authorising the couris of justice to sentence crimi-
nals to labour on the public roads of Baltimore county, and the several provisions thereof, shall be
in full force and operation until, by the provisions of this act, the property in the said roads shall
be transferred to the respective incorporated companies as herein directed, and until provision shall
be otherwise made by law.
Court to receive
tolls, &c.
XXXIX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the first before-mentioned company shall not proceed
to carry on the said work within two years from the Dashing this act, or shall not complete the same
as far as Frederick-town in six years, as far as Middl -town in two years thereafter, and to Boons-
borough in two years thereafter; and if the two remaining companies shall not proceed to carry on
the work on their two respective roads in five years from the passage of this law, and shall not in
five years thereafter complete the same, then the right of the said company or companies to such
road or roads, not finished as aforesaid, shall revert to the counties respectively.
Roads, when to
to be proceeded
on, &c.