an event that cannot be too much dreaded. That patriotic and able statesman. the revered Washington, has
emphatically recommended the inviolable preservation of the union. He observes" " towards the preservation of
their government, and the permanency or their present happy state, it is necessary that they not only discoun-
tenance irregular opposition to its acknowledged authority, but also that they resist, with care, the spirit of in-
novation upon its principles, however .specious the pretexts." " One method of assault," he proceeds, "may
be to affect, in the form of the constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus
undermine what cannot be directly overthrown." Warned by so great an authority, although, we acknowledge
the propriety of amending when experience discloses defects, it behooves the people of the United States to
touch, with awful caution, their great charter, more especially those peculiar principles contained therein, the
effects of which were fully seen, and carefully deliberated on, before they were ingrafted into the constitution.
When a full, fair and successful experiment of the wise, energetic and salutary provisions of our constitution
has been made, when the administration of the government is, so ably conducted in its various departments,
when tranquillity, safety and happiness, are diffused throughout the union, equal rights protected, and the real
interests of all eminently promoted and preserved, it would be highly impolitic and unwise to put them to ha-
zard, by sanctioning a measure which can be productive of no advantage to the people of the United States, but
may tend to weaken the bonds of the union, introduce national discord and a final subversion of all government.
RESOLVED also, That the governor of this state be and he is hereby requested to transmit copies of these
resolutions to the governor of the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised and requested to have the re-
pairs to the government-house completed which have been commenced, and that the expence thereof be paid
out of the treasury of the western shore, by a draught drawn on the treasurer by them for that purpose.
RESOLVED, That the governor be and he is hereby requested to transmit to the governor of the common-
wealth of Pennsylvania an act, entitled, An act to authorise a lottery or lotteries to raise a sum of money tor
the improvement of the navigation of the river Susquehanna, to be laid before the legislature of that common-
wealth for their co-operation.
RESOLVED, That the register of the land-office be and he is hereby requested and empowered to make out a
general alphabet of all the records in the said office, which are not included and contained in the general alpha-
bet made out by the late register of the said land-office, for performing of which service the said register shall
be allowed at the same rate as the late register of the said office was allowed for making out the general alpha-
bet by him completed.
RESOLVED, That the register of the said land-office shall be authorised to lay before the auditor of the state
his account for his service for the performance of the said work, from time to time as it shall progress, and if
passed by the auditor, the treasurer of the western shore shall be and is hereby authorised to pay, out of any
unappropriated money, the amount of the said account.
RESOLVED, That it shall be the duty of the present, and all future registers of the land-office, to keep, in a
well bound book or books, a general alphabet of the records in the land-office, from the time of his and their
respetive appointments during his and their continuance ia office.