the South mountain, is the first of the range,
then the Blue Ridge, and further on, the Allega-
ny mountains, beyond which, we reach the west-
ern limits of the state. There are several fine
rich vallies west of the Allegany mountain, par-
ticularly along the courses of the Youhiogany.
Upon the mountain regions, are situated con-
siderable tracts of level country, denominated
glades, which afford excellent pasture for herds
of cattle, which are merely marked by their own-
ers, and driven here to subsist until they are fit
for market. Between the Allegany and the
Blue Ridge, lies a rich fertile limestone valley.
Turning to speak of the United States, Malte
Bran, in his excellent modern geography, says:
" We now approach a more genial climate,
where the forests put forth a vigorous vegetation
and the fields are covered with abundant har-
vests. In this region, man is every where oc-
cupied in building houses, in founding cities, in
opening new lands, and in subjugating nature.
We hear, on all sides, the blows of the hatchet,
and the blasts of the forge: we see the ancient
forests delivered to the flames, and the plough
passing over their ashes. We observe smiling
cities, temples, and palaces, rise up within a
short distance of cabins inhabited by Indian sa-
vages. We now tread the soil of federal Ame-
rica, that land of liberty, peopled by numerous
colonies whom oppression and intolerance forced
to leave the British isles, and the other parts of