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Session Laws, 1803
Volume 560, Page 88   View pdf image (33K)
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A LIST of the LAWS passed last SESSION.


An ACT for the relief of Caleb Summers, of Montgomery county.
AN ACT to prevent swine and geese from going at large in Taney-town, in Frederick county.
An ACT authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for repairing Shrewsbury church in Kent county.
An ACT to establish a market, and to build a market-house, in the western precincts of Baltimore, and for the re-


gulation of the same.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An ad to authorise the building of a protestant episcopal church within the city
of Baltimore, by the name of Saint-Peter's Church, and for other purposes, passed at November session, eigh-


teen hundred and two.
An additional supplement to the a£, entitled, An act to regulate elections.
An ACT authorising James Wilson, late sheriff and collector of Baltimore county, to complete his collection.
An ACT authorising the levy court of Washington county to open a road in said county.
An ACT for the benefit of the congregation of the German or High Dutch reformed Christian church in Frede-



rick-town, in Frederick county.
An ACT for the benefit of John Lyon, of Montgomery county.
An ACT to enable the levy court of Talbot county to assess and levy certain sums of money for the respective



purposes therein mentioned.
A Supplement to an act entitled, An ad relating to the public roads in Queen-Anne's county.
An ACT to lay out and open a road from the town of Westminster, in Frederick county, to the city of Washing-


ton and George-town.
An ACT authorising any person prosecuted for a libel to give the truth in evidence.
An ACT to alter, change, lay out and open, a road from Middle-town, in Frederick county, to Washington county.
An ACT to repeal part of the act of assembly therein mentioned.
An ACT authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for building bridges over the Conococheague creek, in



Washington county.
A Supplement to an act to authorise a lottery to raise a sum of money for the purpose of finishing the Roman ca-


tholic church in Frederick-town, in Frederick county.
An ACT to authorise and empower the levy court of Anne-Arundel county to assess a sum of money for the pur-


pose therein mentioned.
An ACT to authorise the levy court of Baltimore county to adjust a claim of Henry Stevenson against said county.
An ACT appointing commissioners to lay out the divisional road between Somerset and Worcester counties, from


the mills, formerly called John Caldwell's Mills, to Coxe's branch.
An ACT for the encouragement of learning in Queen-Anne's county.
An ACT to establish pilots, and regulate their fees.
An ACT enabling the inhabitants of Worcester county to stop Sinepuxent bay at or between the Haw Hammocks


and the Thoroughfare, and for other purposes.
An ACT to ratify an amendment to the constitution of the United States of America, proposed by congress to


the legislatures of the several states.
An ACT to streighten part of the road in Haribrd county which leads from Underfill's mill to the city of Balti-


An additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act to appoint commissioners' to examine, survey and lay out,


the road therein mentioned.
An ACT authorising the city commissioners to open and extend Water-street in the city of Baltimore.
An ACT to alter and change the names of James Clerk, and Margaret Russel his wife, of Prince-George's coun-


ty, and of their children.
An ACT authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for the improvement of the streets of the city of Anna-


polls, and for other purposes.
An ACT relating to the records in the office of the register of wills in Harford county.
An ACT for the benefit of Philip Green and Jacob Green, of Prince-George's county.
An ACT for the relief of Samuel Wright, of Queen-Anne's, county.
An ACT for founding a college in the city or precincts of Baltimore, by the name of Baltimore College.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to prevent excessive gaming.
An ACT authorising a lottery for raising a sum of money for the purchasing ground, and building a market-house


thereon, in the western precincts of the city of Baltimore.
An ACT to authorise and empower the levy court of Galvert county to assess and levy a sum of money for


the purpose therein mentioned.
An ACT to authorise and empower the levy court of Baltimore county to assess and levy a sum of money for the


purpose therein mentioned.
An ACT authorising James Summers, late sheriff and collector of Caroline county, to complete his collections
An ACT farther supplementary to an act to streighten and amend the public roads in Harford county.
An ACT to alter and change the name of James Donaldson Lowry, of the city of Baltimore, to that of James



Lowry Donaldson.
A Further additional supplement to an act, entitled. An act for the opening of Second-street in the city of Baltimore.
An ACT relating to the inspection of flour and other articles in the precincts of the city of Baltimore.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of Calvert county court.
An ACT for erecting buildings for the use of the poor of Queen- Anne's county, and for other purposes
An ACT for the support of Elizabeth Oden and Elizabeth Randal of Montgomery county.
An ACT to aid the defect of the deed therein mentioned.





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Session Laws, 1803
Volume 560, Page 88   View pdf image (33K)
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