occupations, wearing apparel, goods, wares and merchandise, and all home made manufactures in
the hands of manufacturers, all ready money, all grain and tobacco, and all licensed vessels what-
ever, shall be valued agreeably to the directions of this act, and shall be chargeable according to
such valuation with the public assessment.
to be appoint-
ed, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That five sensible, discreet and experienced persons, shall be appointed
in each- county of this state, who shall be commissioners of the tax, and they, or any three or more
of them, shall be commissioners for the county for which they shall severally be appointed; and five
persons as aforesaid shall be appointed, and called Commissioners of the Tax for the City of Balti-
more, for the same time.
Their names.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the following persons shall be and are hereby appointed commis-
sioners for the several and respective counties of this state, and for the city of Baltimore, to wit :
For Saint-Mary's county, James Hopewell, Bennett Riley, Richard Watts, Zachariah Forrest and
William Mills; for Kent county, Benjamin Chambers, Nathaniel Comegys, Richard Ricaud, James
Corse and Lewis Blackeston; for Anne-Arundel county, William Hall, 3d, John Brice, Thomas
Worthington, Osborn S. Harwood and Levin Lawrence; for Calvert county, Joseph Wilkinson,
Frederick Skinner, Thomas Bourne, Benjamin H. Mackall and Mordecai Smith; for Charles county,
Alexander McPherson, James Freeman, William Vincent, Benjamin Douglass and Samuel Hanson,
of William; for Baltimore county, Charles Carnan, John M'Clellen, Francis Snowden, John Orrick
and John Patridge; for Talbot county, Samuel Dickinson,' Henry Banning, senior, John Jenkinsori,
Charles Walker Benny and Richard Tilghman; for Somerset county, John Dashiell, senior, John
Leatherbury, senior, William Cottman, s.enior, Peter Waters and John Stewart, (Menokin); for
Dorchester county, John E. Gist, Richard Pattison, Levin Woolford, George Ward and Thomas
Barnett; tor Csecil county, Hezekiah Foard, John Savin, Robert Evans, Thomas W. Veazey and
Robert Alexander; for Prince-George's county, Clement Hill, Humphrey Belt, senior, Alexander
Covington, Thomas Woodward and Robert Sewell; for Queen-Anne's county, James Clayland, Sa-
muel Burgess, Edmund Ferrell, Thomas W right, of Solomon, and John Richardson; for Worcester
county, Samuel Handy, Edward Henry, John P. Mitchell, M'Kimmy Porter and Joshua Prideaux ;
lor Frederick county, Peter Mantz, Eli Dorsey, James S. Hook, William BalleBger and David
Shriver, junior; for Harford county, William Wilson, of William, George Patterson, John Clen-
dennen, William M'Math and Alexander Rigdon; for Caroline county, Thomas Nichols, William
Potter, John Ruth, William Haslett and James Pearce; for the city of Baltimore, William Good-
win, Robert Gorsuch, Cumberland Dugan, Robert McKim and David Stodder; for Washington
county, Martin Kershner, William Webb, David Harry, Frisby Tiighman and James M'Clain; for
Montgomery county, William Holmes, Robert P. Magruder, Abraham Jones, Richard Thomas, ju-
nior, and Greenbury Howard; for Allegany county, John Reed, John H. Bayard, David Hoffman,
senior, Upton Bruce, James Gresap, of Daniel,
To receive only
one per diem.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall not be lawful For a commissioner of the tax, an associate
justice, a justice of the levy court or justice of the orphans court, to receive more than one psr
diem when attending to the discharge of their respective duties as commissioner of the tax, associ-
ate justice, justice of the levy court or justice of the orphans court.
Their oath,
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every commissioner appointed in virtue of this act, shall, before
he acts as such, take the following oath, or affirmation, as the case may be, to wit: " I. A. B. do
" swear, or Solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm, that as commissioner for —— county,
" or the city of Baltimore, I will, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the duties of the
" said office diligently and faithfully, according to the directions of the act for the valuation of real
" and personal property within this state, passed at November session, eighteen hundred and three,
" and the directions of the act to ascertain the value of the land in the several counties of this state
" for the purpose of laying the public assessment, passed at November session, seventeen hundred
" and eighty-five, without favour, affection or partiality; and that I will do equal right and justice,
" according to the best of my knowledge, in every case in which I shall act as commissioner."
How vacancies
are to be filled,
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That If any one of the commissioners aforesaid shall die, resign, re-
fuse, neglect, or be rendered incapable to act by removal out of the county, or otherwise, the re-
maining commissioners, or a majority of them, may appoint some other in the place of the person
who shall die, resign, refuse, neglect, or be incapable to act; and If any three or more of the said
commissioners shall die, resign, refuse, neglect, or be incapable to act as aforesaid, the levy court
of the several counties may appoint some person or persons in his or their place, so as to make
up the number of three commissioners, and they shall fill up the remaining vacancies in manner