Passed 7th of
January, 1804,
An ACT for the benefit of the congregation of the German or High ^
Dutch reformed Christian church ia Frederick-town, in Frederick
WHERE AS certain lands and tenements, and other property, have t>een heretofore conveyed
in trust for the benefit of the congregation of the German or High Dutch reformed Christian
church in Frederick-town, in Frederick county, and by reason of the death of some of the trustees,
and other causes, doubts have arisen as to the validity of the title to said property: And whereas
part of the said property, being purchased for a burial-ground, is found unfit for that purpose, and
no power exists to make sale thereof, and it is necessary to purchase another lot of ground for a
place of burial therefore.
Lands vested,
II. BE IT ENACTED, "by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all lands, tenements and heredita-
ments, goods, chattels and other property, which hath heretofore been conveyed to any person or
persons, or which is now held by any person or persons, in trust for the benefit and use of the con-
gregatson of the German or High Dutch reformed Christian church in Frederick-town, in Frederick
county, by whatsoever name it may be called, shall be and the same is hereby vested in John Brun-
ner, John Gebhart, Daniel Hauer, senior, Mathias Bucky, Michael Hauser and Philip Rohr, the
present elders of the said church, and to the successors of the said elders appointed according to the
constitution, rules and ordinances, of the said congregation.
Elders may sell
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said elders, and their successors, or a majority of them,
shall have full power and authority to sell, lease, or otherwise convey, the whole or any part of the
lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels or other property, hereby dectared to be vested in
,the said congregation, or which shall hereafter be vested in the same, in such manner, and for such
estate therein, as conveyances may be made by any individual for any like property; provided that
no sale, lease, or other disposition of the said property, or any part thereof, shall be valid, unless
the same shall be made with the consent and approbation of a majority of the members of the said
congregation, agreeably to the rules and constitiuion of that church.
And purchase
property, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said elders, and their successors, or a majority of them,
shall be and they are hereby enabled and empowered to purchase, for the use and benefit of the said
congregation, any property, not exceeding in value six thousand dollars.
Passed 7th of
January, 1804
An ACT for the benefit of John Lyon, of Montgomery county.
WHEREAS John Lyon, a resident of Montgomery county, and now a citizen of the United
States, by his petition to this general assembly hath set forth, that before he became natu-
ralized be purchased some real property in the county aforesaid, and obtained deeds of conveyance
for the same, and doubts have arisen as to the valisdity of the title of the said John Lyon, in as much
as conveyance thereof was made before he was naturalized; therefore,
Title made per
fect &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title of the said John Lyon
to the said real property shall be and the same is hereby made as perfect and complete, to all intents
and purposes, as if the said John Lyon had been naturalized agreeably to the laws of the United
States before the said purchase was made, any law of this sute to the contrary notwithstanding;
provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall in any manner defeat or affect any right,
title or ctaim, to the said property, or any part thereof, acquired or prosecuted by any person or
persons whatever before the passage of this act.
Passed 7th of
January, 1804
An ACT to enable the levy court of Talbot county to assess and
levy certain sums of money for the respective purposes therein men-
•T^iT HE-RE AS the commissioners heretofore appointed for building a new gaol in the town of'
\ % Easton, in the said county, have represented to this general assembly, that in the execution
of their trust they have advanced, or made themselves responsible for, the sum of one hundred and
fifty-two pounds nine shillings and five-pence current money, over and above the funds appropriated