II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That on the said Thomas Parvin's appli-
cation to the chancellor, by petition in writing, on or before the fourth day of June next, offering
to deliver up to the use of his creditors all his property, real, personal and mixed, (except his wear-
ing apparel and bedding of himself and family,) to which he is in any way entitled, a schedule
whereof, on oath or affirmation, together with a list of his creditors, on oath or affirmation, as far
as he can ascertain them, shall be annexed to such petition, the chancellor shall administer to the
said Thomas Parvin the following oath or affirmation, to wit: " I," Thomas Parvin, do swear, (or
" affirm,) that I will deliver up, convey or transfer, to my creditors, in such manner as the chan-
" cellor shall direft, all my property that I have or claim any title to, or interest In, at this time,
" and all debts, rights and claims, which I have or am any way entitled to, in possession, remainder
" or reversion, and that I have not, diredly or indirectly, at any time sold, conveyed, lessened or
" disposed of, for the use of any person or persons, or intrusted, any part of my money or other
" property, debts, rights or claims, to any person or persons, thereby to defraud my creditors, or
" any of them, or to secure the same to receive or expect any profit, benefit or advantage thereby;"
and the chancellor shall thereupon, appoint such person as trustee as he may think proper; and the
trustee so to be appointed shall, before he proceeds to act, give bond to such person, in trust for the
use of the creditors of the said Thomas Parvin, and in such penalty as the said chancellor shall
direct, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the trust, which bond shall be filed in the chancery
office, and a copy thereof, certified under the hand of the register thereof, shall be good evidence in
any court of law or equity in this state; and if any trustee appointed by virtue of this act shall re-
fuse to act, or die, or negleel to give bond as aforesaid in a reasonable time, to be judged of by the
chancellor, he shall appoint such person as he may think proper in his place, who shall give bond as
aforesaid, and on giving such bond, (in case the said Thomas Parvin had conveyed his property, to
the former trustee,) he shall be vested with all the property of every kind, and all the 'debts, rights
and credits, of the said Thomas Parvin, as completely as the former trustee was vested with the
Chancellor, on
application, to
administer an
oath, &c.