II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after the first day of
March next, no person or persons shall hale, cart, carry, drag or deposit, any dead carcase, or
other carrion, in Baltimore county, within one mile of the city of Baltimore, unless he or they
shall bury, or cause the same to be buried, in such manner, at least two feet under ground, and so
as effectually to prevent any offensive sroell therefrom, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each
and every such offence, together with the expence of burying or removing the same.
No person to
hale, &c any
dead carcase,
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and after the first ctay of March next, it shall not be law-
ful for any person or persons to keep and maintain any kennel or pack of hounds, or any number of
those species of dogs exceeding three, within Baltimore county, within one mile of the city of Bal-
timore; and any person or persons keeping and maintaining, or causing to be kept and maintained,
any number of hounds, contrary to the provisions of this act, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twen-
ty dollars for every such offence, and shall moreover be subject to pay the further sum of one dollar
per day for each and every day the said hounds, exceeding as above, shall be so kept or maintained
Or keep a ken-
nel of hounds,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any person or persons who shall bury or remove any dead car-
case or offensive carrion thrown out and deposited contrary to the provisions of this act, shall re-
cover, before any justice of the peace, against the person or persons guilty of such offence, all ex-
pences thereby incurred in burying and removing the same.
Expence of bu-
rying to be re-
covered, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines and forfeitures accruing under this act shall be recover-
able, and may be recovered, before any justice of the peace for Baltimore county, one half for the
'use of the said county, and the other for the use of the informer, and it shall be the duty of such
justice or justices respectively, to receive one half of all such fines and forfeitures, to render an ac-
count thereof to the levy court annually, at their October term, and to pay the amount to the trus-
tees for the poor of Baltimore county.
How fines, &e.
are to he rece-
ved, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall continue and be in force for and during the term
of three years, and until the end of the next general assembly that shall happen thereafter.
An ACT relating to runaway servants and slaves.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the sheriffs of
the several counties of this state, and they are hereby respectively required and directed, upon
any runaway servant or slave being committed to his custody, to cause the same to be advertised
in some public news-paper or papers printed in the city of Baltimore, the city of Washington,
and the town of Easton, and in such other public manner as he shall think proper, within fifteen
days after such commitment, and to make particular and minute description of the ctoathing, person
and bodily marks, of such runaway.
Passed 8th o£
January, 1803.
Sheriff to ad-
vertise runa-
ways, Sec.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the owner or owners, or some person in his, her or their be-
half, shall not apply for such runaway within the space of sixty days from the time of advertising as
aforesaid, and pay, or secure to be paid, all such legal costs and charges as have accrued by reason
of apprehending, imprisoning and advertising such servant or slave, it shall be the duty of such
sheriff, and he is hereby required and directed, to proceed to sell such servant or slave, and imme-
diately to give public notice by advertisements, to be set up at the court-house door and such other
public places as he shall think proper, in the county where such servant or slave is in custody, of
the time and place for sale of such servant or slave, by him to be appointed, not less than twenty
days after the time limitted as aforesaid has expired, and at such time and place shall proceed to sell
and dispose of such servant or slave to the highest bidder.
If not appli^i
for, to sell
them, &c.
III. AMD EE IT ENACTED, That the sheriff shall, under the penalty of fifty dollars for every
such offence, make cut, on oath, and return to the justices of the levy court, at their next session
after the sale of any servant or slave, an account, stating the time of the commitment, the time of
sale, the name of the purchaser and terms of sale, and the expences and costs of advertising,
securing and keeping, and the amount for which such servant or slave has been sold, and out of the
money arising; from, such sale to retain the amount of such costs and charges as he is by law entitled
to, and no more, and the balance, if any, to be paid to the justices of the levy court, who are here-
by authorised and directed to pay the same to the owner of such servant or slave, if such owner
shall apply for it within two years from the time of such sale, and If it shall not be applied for with-
N 15
And make out
and return an
account, &c.