An act repeal-
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That an act of assembly passed at November session, one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, An act to enable the corporation of the city of Annapolis
to lay a tax on property within the said city and the precincts thereof, be and is hereby repealed
Passed 8th of
January, 1803.
An ACT authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for the pur-
pose of finishing the protestant episcopal church in Elizabeth-
town, in Washington county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of the -vestry of All-
Saint's parish, in Elisabeth-town, in Washington county, that the said church in said coun-
ty is iii an unfinished state, and have prayed that a law may pass authorising a lottery to raise a sum
©f money, not exceeding six hundred dollars, for the purpose of finishing said church; therefore,
Persons to pro-
pose a scheme,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for
Nathaniel Rochester, Richard Pindell, Jgnatius Taylor, Robert Hughes and Otho H. Williams, or
a majority of them, to propose a scheme or schemes of a lottery, for raising a sum of money, not
exceeding six hundred dollars, and to sell and dispose of the tickets thereof, provided the said
Nathaniel Rochester, Richard Pindell, Ignatius Taylor, Robert Hughes and Otho H. Williams, or
a majority of them, as shall undertake to act under this law, shall, before the sale or disposal of any
ticket or tickets in said lottery, give their bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of three
thousand dollars, conditioned, that they will well and truly apply so much of the money arising
therefrom, within six months after the drawing of said lottery shall commence, as will satisfy the
fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn. by them, and after deducting the necessary expences incurred
in said lottery, shall, within twelve months from the time the drawing of said lottery shall com-
mence, cause the said church In Eliz.abeth-town, in Washington county, to be finished in the best
manner the sum of money raised by said lottery will admit.
Bond to be
lodged, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That It shall be the duty of said commissioners, before they act as
such, to lodge such bond in the cterk's office of Washington county, there to be recorded, and upon ,
such bond, or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted against the obligors therein, or
any of them, or their legal representatives, for any breach or non-compliance with the condition of
the same.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803,
An ACT to open and make public a road from Norwood's ferry, on
Fatapsco river, to intersect the main road leading from Elk-Ridge
landing to the falls of Patapsco.
WHEREAS Edward Norwood, by his petition to this general assembly, hath set forth, that
he is seized in fee, as tenant in common with Samuel Norwood, of a ferry situate and lying
on Patapsco river, near Elk-Ridge landing, leading from Baltimore to, the city of Washington; that
on the south side of Patapsco, opposite said ferry, the petitioner hath leased an acre of land from
Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Daniel Carroll, of Duddington, and Christopher Johnson, for the
purpose of a ferry landing; that from the said ferry landing there is no public road opened for the
accommodation of travellers, and therefore prayed a law might pass for that purpose; and this ge-
neral assembly thinking the prayer of the said petitioner reasonable, therefore,
A road to be
laid out, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That there shall be a public road and
highway, of the width of thirty feet, laid out and opened from the lot of ground leased by the said
Edward Norwood from the said Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, and others, to begin on the shore of
Patapsco, at the place where the road formerly ran, and thence on a straight line to intersect the
public road leading from Elk-Ridge landing to the falls of Patapsco, in the direction where the road
heretofore passed, and the said road, when laid out, shall be deemed and taken to be a public road
for ever hereafter, and kept up, amended and repaired, as all other public roads in Anne-Arundel
county; and that the road leading from Baltimore city to said ferry, as heretofore laid out and open-
ed, shall also be a public highway at all times hereafter.
appointed, &c
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Brice J. Worthington, Isaac Dorsey and Osborn Williams, or
any two of them, be and are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out said road, and they, or any
two of them, shall ascertain and value what damages may be sustained by any person or persons