James Ray before the chancellor from time to time as the chancellor shall.directly and provided also
that ,the said James Ray shall execute a deed or deeds, thereby conveying and transferring all and
every part and parcel of his property, real, personal and mixed, of what nature or kind soever, to'
which he has any ctaim or title to, or interest in, either directly or indirectly, (except the necessary
wearing apparel of himself and family,) to two disinterested trustees, to be appointed by the chan-
cellor, one whereof to be nominated by the said James Ray, and the other to be nominated by the
creditors of said James Ray, on or before the fifteenth day of January next; and in case the said
James Ray, or the creditors of the said James Ray, shall not make any nomination on or before the
said day, then the chancellor is hereby authorised to nominate and appoint a trustee or trustees on
the part and behalf of the party or parties making default.
Part of a seci-
on repealed.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That so much of the third section of the said original act as makes it
necessary that the said James Ray, as one of the insolvent debtors therein named, shall produce to
the chancellor the assent In writing of so many of his creditors as have due to them the amount of
two thirds of the debts due by him at the lime of the passing of the said original act, he and the
same is hereby repealed.
Part of an as
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That so much of the said original act as is inconsistent with, or re-
pugnant to, this act, so far as the same applies to the said James Ray, be and the same is hereby
Passed 8th of
January, 1803,
An ACT to incorporate the members of the Taney-town library
company, in Frederick county.
WHEREAS the establishment of public libraries, under judicious regulations, cannot fail to
promote the diffusion of useful knowledge and the interests of virtue, and to prove greatly
beneficial to society : And whereas sundry inhabitants of Taney-town, and its vicinity, have formed
themselves into a company, and established a library therein, and have prayed that a law may pass
creating them a body politic for ever; therefore,
Persons incor-
porated, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Henry Spalding, Joseph Taney,
Thomas Jones, Roger Brooke, Daniel Boyle, Joseph Sim Smith and Samuel Harris, and such other
persons as they may hereafter admit into their company agreeably to such rules and by-laws- as they
may establish for the beneficial and orderly management of their institution, shall be, and they, and
their successors and assigns, are hereby dectared to be, one community, corporation and body po-
litic for ever hereafter, by the name and style of The Taneytown Library Company, and by that
name they shall be and are hereby made able and capable in law to have, purchase and receive, pos-
sess, enjoy and retain, to them and their successors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities, mid other
hereditaments, in fee-simple, or for a term of years, life, lives or otherwise, and also goods, chat-
tels and effects, of what nature, kind or quality soever, and the same to grant, demise, alien or dis-
pose of, and by the name aforesaid to do and execute all other things touching the same; provided,
that the ctear yearly value of the real estate of the said corporation, exctusive of any house which
they now or hereafter may possess for the keeping of the books and other effects of the company,
exceed not the sum of five hundred dollars.
Company may
sue, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said company, and their successors, by the aforesaid name/
shall be for ever hereafter able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, an-
swer and be answered, defend and be defended, in any courts of record, or in any other place what-
soever, and also to make, have and use, a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew, at
pleasure, and also to assemble and meet at such times and places as they may agree upon and pub-
licty notify, and by a majority of the voices of those attending, to ordain, establish and put in exe-
cution, such by-laws', ordinances and regulations, as to them shall seem necessary and convenient
for the government of the company, the same not being contrary to the laws of this state, or of the
United States, and generally to do and execute all such acts, matters and things, as to them shall or
may appertain to do.
Officers now
acting to con-
tinue, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That until there shall be, under this act, an election of officers ne-
cessary to the ends of the institution, those now acting, or who hereafter may be appointed to act
under any existing regulations of the company, shall continue so to do, according to the provisions
heretofore made, and such regulations shall, till lawfully altered, be deemed as valid and obligatory
as if made after the passage of this act.
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