Hanson, and others, until it shall intersect the divisional line between this state and the state of
Delaware at or near the lands of George C. Saunders.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall and they
are hereby directed and required to make, or cause to be made, a plot of the said road, when sur-
veyed as aforesaid, and to ascertain and assess the damages that may be sustained by any person or
persons through whose lands the same shall pass, and shall make return of the said plot, together
with a certificate of the courses of the said road, and their estimate of the damages as aforesaid, to
the clerk of Kent county, to be recorded among the land records of the said county, and when the
same shall have been returned, and the damages so as aforesaid ascertained shall have been paid, or
secured to be paid, the said road shall for ever thereafter be deemed a public highway, and shall be
kept in repair as other public roads of Kent county provided always, that if any person or persons
through whose lands the said road shall pass, or his, her or their guardian or trustee, shall think
themselves aggrieved by the valuation and assessment of damages to be made by the commissioners
as aforesaid, the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall and they are hereby authorised to
issue their warrant to the sheriff of Kent county, to summon twelve freeholders of the said county,
not interested in the premises, and qualified to serve as jurors in the county court, to appear on the
premises on a day to be appointed, and when the persons so summoned shall convene as aforesaid,
some one of the said commissioners shall administer an oath to each of the persons so summoned,
that he will, without favour, affection, partiality or prejudice, assess the damages sustained by the
person or persons at whose instance and request such inquisition shall be taken by reason of opening
the aforesaid road through his, her or their land, and the persons so summoned and sworn shall
thereupon immediately proceed to value and assess the damages accordingly, of which the said peti-
tioners, or some three or more of them, shall have at least five days previous notice; and provided
also, that the said commissioners shall not lay out or open the said road through the buildings, gar-
dens or orchards, of any person without his, or her consent.
A Plot to be
made, &c.
An ACT further extending the time for making returns of certain
certificates and plots.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803.
WHEREAS it appears that several certificates and plots have not been returned to the land-
office of the western shore within the time limit ted by an act passed at November session,
eighteen hundred and one, entitled, An act further extending the time for making returns of certain
certificates and plots, and it is right and reasonable further to extend the said time; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all certificates and plots made agree-
ably to, and in virtue of, an act, entitled, An act ascertaining the mode of granting titles to the
purchasers of certain confiscated property, which shall or may be examined and passed by the exa-
miner-general, and returned to the register of the land-office for the western shore on or before the
first day of November, eighteen hundred and three, shall be received by the register of the land-of-
fice, and be of the same validity as if they had been returned agreeably to the time mentioned in the
first above recited acl.
Time further
An ACT for the relief of Margaret Razer, of Frederick-town , in
Frederick county.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly by the petition of Margaret Razer, of
Frederick-town, in Frederick county, that she was left by her husband Jacob Razer with six
small children, in great distress, about fourteen years ago, and that she hath not heard of him for
several years, nor does she know whether he is now living or not: And whereas it is further repre-
sented by the said Margaret Razer, that In the year seventeen hundred and ninety-four, major Henry
Hardman, her brother, died intestate, seized in fee of two hundred acres of land, part of Monocacy
Manor, situate in the county of Frederick aforesaid, which was conveyed to the said Henry Hard-
man by a certain John Swarm, which said two hundred acres of land descended equally to Joseph
Harclman, brother of said Henry Hardman, Mrs. Cram, wife of William Crum, Catharine Myers,
and the petitioner Margaret Razer, sisters to the said Henry Harclman, and that all the right of her
said husband in the said land hath been sold by the sheriff of Frederick county, under a fieri facias,
to satisfy a judgment obtained by a certain Charles Beatty against the said Jacob Razer, and that the
said petitioner is desirous of disposing of her fourth part of said land, and hath prayed that she may
be enabled by law so to do, and this general assembly being satisfied of the truth of the representa-