law shall deliver to the judge or judges of the election in the district in which he offers to vote, at
ballot, on which shall be written or primed the name or names of the person voted for, and the pur-
pose for which the vote is given, and plainly designated, and the ballot so delivered in, and received
by the judge or judges. of the election, shall be deposited in the ballot box provided as aforesaid for
that purpose, till the poll be closed, and if any judge of an election, or other person, after any ballot
shall be delivered in as aforesaid, and before the poll is closed, shall unfold or open any such ballot,
with "design to discover the name or names therein contained, every person so offending shall forfeit
and pay the sum of fifty dollars; and if any voter shall offer any more than one ballot, with a fraudu-
lent design, every such person shall forfeit, ami pay the sum of twenty dollars for every such offence.
Names to he
entered, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the name of each person offering to vote shall be entered upon
the books provided as aforesaid for that purpose by the two clerks, separately and plainly.
Box to be
opened, &d.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the poll shall be closed, the box wherein the ballots arc
deposited shall be immediately thereafter opened by the judge or judges of the election, and live said
judge or judges shall publicly, in the presence of such persons as may choose to attend, carefully
take out the said ballots, and read distinctly and aloud the name or names written or printed thereon
respectively; and the clerks of such election shall carefully enter and keep account of the same on
paper prepared for that purpose, so that the number of votes for each candidate tallied thereon may-
be readily cast up and known; and if, upon opening any of the said ballots, there be found any more
names written or printed on any of them than there ought to be, or if any two or more of such
ballots or papers be deceitfully folded together, such ballots shall be rejected and not counted.
Plain state-
ments to be
made out, &c
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That as soon as all the ballots shall be read off and counted, and the
number for each candidate reckoned up and ascertained, the judge or judges of the election shall
make out, under his or their hands, and attested by the clerks of the election, four plain fair and
distinct statements and certificates of the number of votes which shall have been , then and there
given for each candidate, distinguishing the station or office he has been voted for, which numbers
shall be expressed in words at length, and not in figures only, two of which statements or certifi-
cates shall be entered, and subscribed and attested as aforesaid, on the books on which the names of
the voters shall have been written, and the two other statements or certificates shall be given to
each of the said clerks; and it shall be the duty of the judge who shall preside at the close of the
election to make public declaration of such number of votes for each candidate at the place of hold-
ing said election, which said books, with the statements or certificates aforesaid therein entered as
aforesaid, shall be kept in the charge of the said presiding judge, and on the day and place pre-
scribed by the fifteenth section of the original act for the meeting and attendance of the judges of
the eleclion first named in the appointment, or who shall have acted as judge at the close of the elec-
tion, the said judge having charge of said books, with the certificates therein written, subscribed
and attested as aforesaid, shall then and there, under the penalty in the said original act mentioned,
attend, and produce the said books and certificates, and in case of accident, so that the books with,
the certificates aforesaid cannot be produced, then and in such case the certificates lodged with the
clerks shall be produced by them, and the said judges of the several districts of the county, so as-
sembled, shall add together the whole number of votes of all the districts of the county which shall
appear to be given for each candidate, and determine who has the greatest number of votes, and
who thereupon is or are elected delegates, sheriffs, electors of the senate, representative or repre-
sentatives to congress, or elector or electors of the president and vice-president of the United States,
as the case may be, and shall declare accordingly, and make return in the respective cases in the
manner and form prescribed and now practised under the said fifteenth and sixteenth sections of the
said original act; and the said books on which the names of the voters and certificates aforesaid shall
be written, shall be deposited with the clerk of the county for safe keeping; and if, at the time ap-
pointed by the said original act for the assembling of the said judges, any oF them should be pre-
vented from attending, in every such case the judge or judges who shall assemble, may adjourn from
day to day until the judge or judges required to attend shall assemble, and in case of the sickness,
death or inability, of any judge of a district required by this act to attend at the time and place
aforesaid, any other judge present at the eleclion at the close thereof in said district may and is
hereby required to attend, and the said judges, when so assembled, shall immediately thereafter pro-
ceed to perform the duties required as aforesaid
How fines, &c.
are to be reco-
vered, &c.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines, penalties and forfeitures, herein imposed, shall be
recovered and appropriated as other fines, penalties and forfeitures, are recovered and appropriated
under the original act.
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