On the second reading of the resolution vesting money in bank stock, the question was put, That the first
blank therein be filled up with the words "sixteen hundred?" Resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put, That the words " Union Bank of Maryland" be stricken out of said resolution ?'
Resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put, That the blank for the Mechanics Bank be filled up with the words " eight hun-
dred?" Resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put, That the following be inserted after the words " Mechanics Bank of Baltimore ?"
to wit: " two hundred and fifty shares in the Baltimore and Frederick turnpike road stock, and two hundred
and fifty shares in the Baltimore and York-town turnpike road stock. " Resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put, That the house assent to the said resolution? Resolved in the affirmative.
Mr. Bland, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to extend Centre-street in
the northern precincts of the city of Baltimore, and to build a bridge therein across Jones Falls; which was
lead the first and second time by especial order and passed.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to authorise
William Handy and James Ritchie to sell and dispose of the real estate of Isaac Handy, late of Somerset county,
deceased. ORDERED, That Mr. Cottman, Mr. Gale and Mr. Dorsey, be a committee to prepare and bring in
the same.
Mr. Cottman, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the said bill; which was read the first and second
time by especial order and passed.
The amendments proposed to the bill to make public the road therein mentioned, were read the second time,
agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed.
The supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate the stockholders of the Mechanics Bank of Balti-
more, was read the second time, and the question put, That the words " of the sixth section, " be stricken out?
Resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put, Shall the said bill pass? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
Brice Harryman Stevens Porter Wright Streett H Steuart Tilghman
Welch Randall Edmondson Boyle Scott. Sanders Bland Gabby 21
Stansbury Brown Seth Hopper Baer
Hebb Blake Dorsey Frazier Herbert Bennett Young M'Mahon
Hopewell Ireland Bayly Griffith Spencer J H Thomas Bowles Tomlinson
Hodges Grahame Gale Page Hayward Sappington Gaither Reid 31
Reynolds Chapman Cottman Perrie Wilson Thomas S Thomas
So it was determined in the negative.
The house adjourns until 5 o'clock, P. M.
THE house met.
Mr. J. H. Thomas, from the committee appointed to inquire into the expenses incurred by the governor and
Council in fitting up the house of delegates room, delivers to the speaker a report; which was read.
The following order was read and agreed to.
ORDERED, That the report of the committee appointed to inquire into the expenses incurred by the governor
and council in fitting up the house of delegates room under a resolution of November session, 1806, together
with the accounts, documents and depositions therewith exhibited, be entered at length on the votes and pro-
ceedings of this house, and that the usual number of copies of the said report, accounts, documents and depot
sitions, be printed for the use of the members.
THE committee appointed to inquire into the expenses incurred by the Governor and Council in fitting
up the House of Delegates Room, under the Resolution of November session, 1806, beg leave to report, That
in entering upon the duties assigned to them by the order of the house, a letter was addressed by the chairman of
the committee to the governor and council, notifying them that the committee were ready to proceed in their
inquiry, and to receive any statement or information which the executive might be disposed to lay before
them: That in answer to this letter, the chairman received from the clerk of the council an order of the
board, directing the clerk to deliver to the chairman of the committee any papers that might be required; That
upon an application being thereupon made for all the documents and papers which might, relate to the subject,
the clerk of the council delivered to the chairman of the committee certain accounts, letters and vouchers, at-
tested copies of, which will be found among; the papers herewith exhibited, marked from No. 1 to No. 8 inclu-
sive. That among the said papers will be found a copy (marked No. 4. ) of the letter from William Tuck to the
governor and council, referred to in said Tuck's deposition; which paper having been mentioned by William
Tuck in. his examination before the committee, their chairman applied to the clerk of the council and was fur-
nished by him with the original letter.
Your committee also beg leave to exhibit to the house the letter, (marked No. 9, ) from Benjamin Harwood,
Esquire, treasurer, enclosing a statement of the several sums paid by him to the Messrs. Tucks, in virtue of
sundry draughts drawn in their favour by the executive, together with certified copies of the said draughts.