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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1808
Volume 556, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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ty the constitution and form of government, and taking an oath to support the constitution of the United States,
took their seats in the house.

The message appointing a committee to examine the outstanding debts due to the state, was sent to the senate
ty the clerk.

A petition from William Cooke, and others, of Baltimore county, praying a charter to the water company
corresponding to the articles of association, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr, Bland, Mr. R. Steuart,
Mr. Stansbury, Mr. Harryman and Mr. Randall, to consider and report thereon.

A petition from Solomon Brown, and others, of Baltimore county, praying that certain forfeitures of shares
in the Baltimore Fire Insurance Company may be remitted, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Bland, Mr.
R. Steuart, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Stansbury, to consider and report thereon.

The following leave was read.

Leave to bring in a bill, entitled, A further additional supplementary act to the act, entitled, An act to re-
gulate the inspection of tobacco.

On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act authorising the justices of the orphans court of
the several counties in this state to take the acknowledgment of deeds. ORDERED, That Mr. Dorsey, Mr.
Sanders and Mr. P. Stuart, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.

A petition from Mary Pelham, of Talbot county, praying to be divorced, and that some provision be made
for her support, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Edmondson, Mr. Kerr and Mr, Stevens, to consider
rand report thereon.

The house adjourns until Monday morning 9 o'clock.

MONDAY, November 14, 1808.

THE house met. Present the same members as on Saturday. The proceedings of Saturday were read.
Mr. Hopewell appears in the house.

The following message was read, agreed to, and sent to the senate by the clerk.

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 14, 1808.
Gentlemen of the Senate,

WE propose, with the concurrence of your house, to proceed immediately to the election of a governor, agree-
ably to the constitution and form of government. We have appointed Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Bowles, on the part

of the house of delegates, to join such gentlemen as may be appointed by you, to count the ballots and report
thereon. Robert Wright, Esquire, is put in nomination by this house.

By order, J. BREWER, clk.
The clerk of the senate delivers the following message:

By the SENATE, November 14, 1808.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates,

WE agree to proceed to the election of a governor immediately. No person is put in nomination by the se-
nate in addition to Robert Wright, Esquire. We have appointed Mr. Williams and Mr. Smithson to act in
conjunction with the gentlemen proposed by your house to examine the ballots.

By order, T. ROGERS, clk.
Which was read.

The house, having qualified agreeably to the constitution and form of government, proceeded to the choice of
a governor, and the ballots being deposited in the ballot box, the gentlemen named to strike retired, and after
sometime returned and reported, that Robert Wright, Esquire, had a majority of votes. Whereupon

RESOLVED, That Robert Wright, Esquire, be, and he is hereby declared to be, Governor of the State of

The clerk of the senate delivers the following message:

By the SENATE, November 14, 1808.
Gentlemen of the House ef Delegates,

THE honourable Robert Wright, Esquire, having been elected governor of the state of Maryland, we have
appointed Mr. Williams and Mr. Purnell, jointly with such gentlemen as may be named by your house, to wait
upon the governor elect, and request his attendance in the senate room to qualify according to the constitution
and form of government.

By order, T. ROGERS, clk,
Which was read.

The following message was read, agreed to, and. ent to the senate by the clerk.

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 14, 1808.
Gentlemen of the Senate,

WE have received your message of this date, and have appointed Mr. Chapman and Mr. Tilghman, on the
part of this house, to join the gentlemen named by you, to wait upon the governor elect, and request his attend-
ance in the senate room to qualify according to the constitution and form of government.

By order, J. BREWER, clk.


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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1808
Volume 556, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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