A petition from sundry inhabitants of Caroline county, praying for a bridge over a branch of North-west
Fork river, at a place known by the name of The Old Bloomery, near Douglass's mill, was preferred, read, and
referred to Mr. Holbrook, Mr. Bayard and Mr. Jump, to consider and report thereon.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Montgomery county, praying for a road from Conrad Micro's ferry, to
intersect the public road leading from the mouth of Monocacy to Green's bridge, and a petition from sundry in-
habitants of said county, counter thereto, were preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Linthicum, Mr. Darne and
Mr. Carroll, to consider and report thereon.
The bill for the benefit of the joined evangelic lutheran and evangelic presbyterian congregation of Saint-
Paul's church, in Washington county, was read the second time, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
Mr. Boon, Mr. P. Spencer and Mr. Stevens, appear in the house.
On motion, That the supplement to an act for rectifying the ill practices of attornies in this state, and ascer-
taining fees to the attorney-general, clerk of indictments, attornies, and practitioners of the law in the courts of
this state, and for levying the same by way of execution, have a second reading, the question was put, That the
bouse form itself into a committee of the whole? Determined in the negative.
The house proceeded to the-second reading of the same, and, on progression, the question was put, That the
following clause be stricken out? viz. "And be it enacted, that no clerk, register of wills, or crier, shall be
authorised to collect any fee or fees by. way of execution, unless they first obtain a judgment agreeably to the
provisions of the first clause of this act. " Determined in the negative.
On motion, the question was then put, That the words "sheriff, coroner, register in chancery, or any other
public officers, " be inserted in said clause after, the word "crier" The yeas and nays being required, appeared
as follow:
W. H. Brown, Merriken, Stone, Jackson, Hall, J E. Spencer, Ayres, Tabbs.
Blakistone, Emerson, C. Dorsey, King, Callis, Hawkins, Davis, Carroll,
Gardiner, Grahame, Rogerson, Dennis, Muir, Kuhn, T Dorsey, Darne,
Brice, Reynolds, Gale, of Som. Henry, Shaaff, Forwood, Bowles, Linthicum. 33.
W. Moffitt, Kerr, T. Moffit, Sturgis, Biggs, Bayard, Steuart, Tomlinson,
Welch, Seth, Porter, Robins, Shriver, Jump, Schnebly, Greenwell,
Harryman, Stevens, J. Brown, Dashiell, Holbrook, Boon, Bruce, Briscoe. 27.
M. Brown, Ennalls, J. Williams,
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put, That the said bill be postponed until the first of June-next? The yeas and nays
being required, appeared as follow:
W. H. Brown, Grahame, Rogerson, Page, Shaaff, Kuhn, Tabbs, Ray,
Blakistone, Reynolds, Jackson, Hall, J. E Spencer, T. Dorsey, Carroll, Linthicum,
Gardiner, Stone. Dennis Callis, Sturgis, Bowles, Darne, Bruce. 30:
Emerson, C. Dorsey, Henry, Muir, Hawkins, Schnebly,
W. Moffitt, Merriken, Seth, Ennalls, J. Williams, Shriver, Holbrook, Steuart,
Gale, of Kent, Little, Stevens, T. Moffit, Robins. Forwood, Bayard, Tomlinson,
Welch, Harryman, Gale, of Som. Porter, Dashiell, Ayres, Jump, Greenwell,
Brice, M. Brown, Winder, J. Brown, Biggs, Davis, Boon, Briscoe. 34.
Belt, Kerr,
So it was determined in the negative.
The question was then put, That the further consideration of the same be postponed until the first day of
May next? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow: .
W. H. Brown, Belt, C. Dorsey, Jackson, Hall, Sturgis, T. Dorsey, Darne,
Blakistone, Merriken, Rogerson, Winder, Callis, Biggs, Steuart, Ray,
Gardiner, Emerson, Little, King, Muir, Hawkins, Bowles, Bruce,
W. Moffitt, Grahame, Harryman, Dennis, Shaaff, Kuhn, Schnebly, Tomlinson,
Gale, of Kent, Reynolds, M. Brown, Ennalls, J. E. Spencer; Shriver, Tabbs, Greenwell,
Welch, Stone, Gale, of Som. Henry, J. Williams, Davis, Carroll, Briscoe. 40
Kerr, Stevens, J Brown, Robins, Dashiell, Forwood, Ayres,. Linthicum. 10.
Seth, Porter,
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
A petition from John Boody, of the city of Annapolis, stating, that he was wounded at the battle of Cam-
den, and praying some assistance, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. W. H. Brown, Mr. Winder and
Mr. Gale, of Somerset, to consider and report thereon.
The clerk of the senate delivers the supplement to an act, entitled. An act for the establishment of a school
in Caroline county, endorsed, will pass with the proposed amendments; " which amendments were read. The
bill to erect a new bridge over Great Choptank river, in Caroline county, endorsed, " will pass with the pro-
posed amendment; " which amendment was read the first and second time by especial order, agreed to, and the