The engrossed bills from No. 1 to 40, inclusive, were read and assented to, and, with the paper bills thereof
sent to the senate by the clerk.
On the second reading of the bill to make the bridge built by Zenas Wells over Principle creek, in Caecil
county, a toll-bridge, the question was put, That the further consideration of the same be referred to the first
day of June nest? Resolved in the affirmative.
The report of the committee on the petition of Elizabeth Barrow was read the second time, and the resolu-
tion therein contained assented co, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from John Read Magruder, clerk of Prince-George's county, praying some of the records in his
office may be transcribed, and a general alphabet made, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Hall, Mr. Cal-
lis and Mr. B. Hodges, to consider and report thereon.
On the second reading of the bill to provide for the making passable through Baltimore county the public
road laid out from the city of Baltimore to the town of Belle-Air, in Harford county, and the public road laid,
out from Gravelly hill on the Reister's-town turnpike road, to Philemon Barnes's plantation on the Frederick
county line, the following amendment was proposed and received to the same.
At the end of the bill insert, " And, whereas the road from Gravelly hill on the Reister's-town turnpike road,
to Philemon Barnes's plantation on the Frederick county line, is obstructed by fences, and it appearing to this
general assembly that the persons owning the lands where the obstructions are would be materially injured, and
it being reasonable that damages should be allowed where actually sustained, therefore, Be it enacted, That on
£he application of any person or persons conceiving himself, herself or themselves injured, by reason of re-
moving the obstructions now existing on the road leading from Gravelly, hill to Philemon Barnes's, to the
levy court of Baltimore county, they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and required to appoint
five persons, freeholders in, and residents of, the county aforesaid, to value and ascertain the damages, on
oath, that such person or persons may sustain, taking into consideration all the advantages and disadvantages,
if any, which shall be final, and return such valuation to the clerk of Baltimore county court; and the levy
court of Baltimore county, at their nest annual levy, are authorised and required to levy the amount of said
damages on the assessable property of said county, to be collected and paid over to the respective persons to
whom the said damages, if any, shall be awarded, in the same manner as other county charges are levied, col-
lected and paid. And be it enacted, That the said justices of the levy court, upon the application of any person
or persons through whose land the new location of the said public road from the city of Baltimore to the town
of Belle-Air, in Harford county, shall pass, stating himself to be injured thereby, be and they are hereby autho-
rised and required to appoint five persons, freeholders and residents of Baltimore county aforesaid, to value and
ascertain, on oath, the damages sustained by such person or persons as aforesaid, taking all advantages and dis-;
advantages into consideration, a statement of which valuation shall be returned, in writing, under the hands
and seals of the persons making the same, to the office of the clerk of Baltimore county; and the said justices
of the levy court are hereby required to levy the amount of such damages upon the assessable property of said
county, and cause the same to be collected in the same manner that other county levies are, and when collected,
the same shall be paid over to the person or persons authorised to receive the same. "
The bill being read throughout, the question was put, Shall the said bill puss J Resolved in the affirmative;
which was sent to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from John Shank, of Washington county, praying commissioners may be appointed to view the
ground whereon s road is to run through his land, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Bowles, Mr. Schnebly
and Mr. Gabby, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. T. B. Dorsey, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the resolutions of the legislature of Vermont, respecting the alteration of that
part of the constitution which regards the removal from office of the judges of the United States courts, beg leave to re-
port, that they have taken the same into their serious consideration, and are of opinion that the contemplated alteration is
a salutary and judicious measure; therefore RESOLVED, That the senators in congress from this state be and they are
hereby instructed, and our representatives in congress are also requested, to use their best endeavours, to procure such an
amendment to the constitution of the United States, as will empower the President of the United States to remove from
office any of the judges of the courts of the United States, upon address made to him for that purpose by a majority of
the bouse of representatives, and two thirds of the senate, in congress assembled.
RESOLVED ALSO, That the governor be and he hereby is requested to forward the foregoing resolution to each of the
senators and representatives from this state in the congress of the United States,
By order, D. L. JACOB, clk.
Which was read.
Mr. C. Dorsey, from the secret committee, delivers to the speaker the following report
THE committee to whom was referred the resolution relating to procuring information upon the practicability
of purchasing arms, beg leave to report, that they have inquired into the subject matter referred to them, and
regret that no arms can be procured immediately either from the general government or from individuals; than
ordnance can, in all probability, be obtained from the general government.
By order, D, L. JACOB, clk.
Which was read.