On motion, ORDERED, That the report of the committee on the executive communications relative to the
bank stock be recommitted for amendment.
The house adjourns until Monday morning 9 o'clock.
MONDAY, November 24, 1806.
THE house met. Present the same members as on Saturday. The proceedings of Saturday were read.
Mr. Davis, Mr. Forwood and Mr. Callis, appear in the house.
The bill to authorise and empower the levy court of Worcester county to levy a sum of money for the sup-
port and maintenance of Susanna Davis, was read the second time, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Harford county, praying that negroes may be prohibited from keeping
dogs and guns, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Davis, Mr. Sudler and Mr. Forwood, to consider and
report thereon.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Harford county, praying that commissioners may be appointed to re-
view the road from Darlington to intersect the road leading from Belle-Air to Havre-de-Grace, was preferred,
read, and referred to the committee appointed on the preceding petition.
Mr. Hebb, Mr. Street and Mr. Bond, have leave of absence.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, Au act for the re-organization of the several orphans
courts in this state. ORDERED, That Mr. W. H. Brown, Mr. Sudler, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Shaaff and Mr. Kerr,
be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
A memorial from Benjamin Harwood, of the city of Annapolis, praying that the auditor-general may be au-
thorised to state his account, allowing an interest, of six pr cent, on the amount of certain bills of exchange
from the date of each bill respectively, and on the amount of the charges of protest from the date of said pro-
test, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Shaaff, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Sudler, Mr. Chapman and Mr. Hawkins,
to consider and report thereon.
The following message was read.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 24, 1806.
Gentlemen ef the Senate,
WE propose to proceed on —— next to the election of two directors on the part of this state in the Union
Bank of Maryland. — —— ure put in nomination by this house. Mr. ——— and Mr. ———— are appoint-
ed by the house of delegates to join the gentlemen to be appointed by you in the examination of the ballots;
and to regulate the manner of said election we have adopted the following resolution :
RESOLVED, That the two directors to be appointed on the part of this state in the Union Bank of Maryland,
be elected by ballot, and the two persons having a majority of the ballots of all the attending members of both
houses of the legislature be declared duly elected directors on the part of this state in the Union Bank of Ma-
By order, J. BREWER, clk.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A further supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the
relief of the poor in Talbot county. ORDERED, That Mr. Kerr, Mr. Dickinson and Mr. Martin, be a com-
mittee to prepare and bring in the same.
Mr. Watts, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to abolish all such parts of
the constitution and form of government as relate to the time and manner of electing the senate, and the mode
of filling up vacancies in that body; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Shaaff, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the memorial of Benjamin Harwood, of the city of Annapolis, report
that they have taken the same undo consideration, and are of opinion that the prayer of the memorialist ought
to be granted, but as there are many other citizens of this state who have similar claims, the committee think
that it would be proper that a general regulation on this subject should take place; they therefore submit the
following resolutions :
RESOLVED, That the holders of bills of exchange drawn or issued by the treasurer of the western shore as
commissioner appointed by the act of assembly, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and seventy-
nine, entitled, An act for calling out of circulation bills of credit emitted by act of assembly, are entitled to
receive from this state the amount and principal of the said bills of exchange and certificates, with interest
thereon from the d;ites of the said bills and certificates respectively, and the costs of protest.
RESOLVED, That the" treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised to pay out of any unap-
propriated money in the treasury, to the holders and possessors of the said bills of exchange or certificates is-
sued by the treasurer of the western shore, as commissioner by virtue of the aforesaid act of assembly, the
amount of the said bills of exchange or certificates by them respectively held and possessed, together with inte-
rest thereon from the respective dates of such bills of exchange and certificates, and the costs of protest, and
the treasurer is hereby directed to pay the bills, interests and costs, at the par of exchange.
By order, L. GASSAWAY, clk.
Which was read.